首页> 外文期刊>Geophysical Research Letters >Exceptional European warmth of autumn 2006 and winter 2007: Historical context, the underlying dynamics, and its phenological impacts

Exceptional European warmth of autumn 2006 and winter 2007: Historical context, the underlying dynamics, and its phenological impacts


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Updated European averaged autumn and winter surface air temperature ( SAT) timeseries indicate that the autumn 2006 and winter 2007 were extremely likely (> 95%) the warmest for more than 500 years. In both seasons, the European SAT anomaly is widespread with anomalies up to three standard deviations from normal. The anomalous warmth is associated with strong anticyclonic conditions and warm air advection from south west. Phenological impacts related to this warmth included some plant species having a partial second flowering or extended flowering till the beginning of winter. Species that typically flower in early spring were found to have a distinct earlier flowering after winter 2007.
机译:欧洲最新的秋季和冬季平均地面气温(SAT)时间序列表明,在500多年来,2006年秋季和2007年冬季极有可能是最暖的(> 95%)。在两个季节中,欧洲SAT异常都很普遍,异常距正常值最多三个标准差。异常温暖与强烈的反气旋条件和西南偏南的平流有关。与这种温暖相关的物候影响包括一些植物部分开花,其第二次开花或延长开花直至冬季开始。人们发现,通常在早春开花的物种在2007年冬季后有明显的早开花。



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