首页> 外文期刊>Inorganic Chemistry: A Research Journal that Includes Bioinorganic, Catalytic, Organometallic, Solid-State, and Synthetic Chemistry and Reaction Dynamics >Synthesis and physical properties of K _4[Fe(C _5O _5) _2(H _2O) _2](HC _5O _5) _2?4H _2O (C _5O 5 ~2- = croconate): A rare example of ferromagnetic coupling via H-bonds

Synthesis and physical properties of K _4[Fe(C _5O _5) _2(H _2O) _2](HC _5O _5) _2?4H _2O (C _5O 5 ~2- = croconate): A rare example of ferromagnetic coupling via H-bonds

机译:K _4 [Fe(C _5O _5)_2(H _2O)_2](HC _5O _5)_2?4H _2O(C _5O 5〜2- = croconate)的合成和物理性质:通过H-进行铁磁耦合的罕见例子债券

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The reaction of the croconate dianion (C _5O _5) ~2- with a Fe(III) salt has led, unexpectedly, to the formation of the first example of a discrete Fe(II)-croconate complex without additional coligands, K _4[Fe(C _5O _5) _2(H _2O) _2](HC _5O _5) _2? 4H _2O (1). 1 crystallizes in the monoclinic P2 _1/c space group and presents discrete octahedral Fe(II) complexes coordinated by two chelating C _5O _5 ~2- anions in the equatorial plane and two trans axial water molecules. The structure can be viewed as formed by alternating layers of trans-diaquabis(croconato)ferrate(II) complexes and layers containing the monoprotonated croconate anions, HC _5O _5 -, and noncoordinated water molecules. Both kinds of layers are directly connected through a hydrogen bond between an oxygen atom of the coordinated dianion and the protonated oxygen atom of the noncoordinated croconate monoanion. A H-bond network is also formed between the coordinated water molecule and one oxygen atom of the coordinated croconate. This H-bond can be classified as strong-moderate being the O???O bond distance (2.771(2) ?) typical of moderate H-bonds and the O-H???O bond angle (174(3)°) typical of strong ones. This H-bond interaction leads to a quadratic regular layer where each [Fe(C _5O _5) _2(H _2O) _2] ~(2-) anion is connected to its four neighbors in the plane through four equivalent H-bonds. From the magnetic point of view, these connections lead to an S = 2 quadratic layer. The magnetic properties of 1 have been reproduced with a 2D square lattice model for S = 2 ions with g = 2.027(2) and J = 4.59(3) cm ~(-1). This model reproduces quite satisfactorily its magnetic properties but only above the maximum. A better fit is obtained by considering an additional antiferromagnetic weak interlayer coupling constant (j) through a molecular field approximation with g = 2.071(7), J = 2.94(7) cm ~(-1), and j = -0.045(2) cm ~(-1) (the Hamiltonian is written as H = -JS _iS _j). Although this second model might still be improved since there is also an extra contribution due to the presence of ZFS in the Fe(II) ions, it confirms the presence of weak ferromagnetic Fe-Fe interactions through H-bonds in compound 1 which represents one of the rare examples of ferromagnetic coupling via H-bonds.
机译:不可思议的是,cronate的二价阴离子(C _5O _5)〜2-与Fe(III)的反应导致了第一个离散的Fe(II)-cronate的络合物的第一个例子的形成,而没有其他大分子配体K _4 [ Fe(C _5O _5)_2(H _2O)_2](HC _5O _5)_2? 4H _2O(1)。 1在单斜晶P2 _1 / c空间群中结晶,并呈现出由赤道平面中两个螯合的C _5O _5〜2-阴离子和两个反式轴向水分子协调的离散八面体Fe(II)配合物。可以认为该结构是由交替的反式双(croconato)高铁酸盐(II)配合物层和包含单质子化的croconate阴离子,HC _5O _5-和非配位水分子的层形成的。两种层都通过配位的二价阴离子的氧原子和非配位的croconate单阴离子的质子化的氧原子之间的氢键直接连接。在配位的水分子与配位的可可酸酯的一个氧原子之间也形成了H键网络。该H键可被归类为强-中等,即中等H键的典型O-O键距离(2.771(2)?)和OH-O键的典型角(174(3)°)。强者。这种H键相互作用导致产生一个规则的规则层,其中每个[Fe(C _5O _5)_2(H _2O)_2]〜(2-)阴离子通过四个等效的H键与平面中的四个邻居相连。从磁性的角度来看,这些连接导致S = 2的二次层。对于2 = S = 2的离子,其中g = 2.027(2)和J = 4.59(3)cm〜(-1),已使用2D方格模型重现了1的磁性。该模型可以令人满意地再现其磁性能,但仅在最大值以上。通过考虑分子场近似(g = 2.071(7),J = 2.94(7)cm〜(-1)和j = -0.045(2)的分子场近似来获得额外的反铁磁弱层间耦合常数(j),可获得更好的拟合度。 )cm〜(-1)(哈密顿量写为H = -JS _iS _j)。尽管由于Fe(II)离子中还存在ZFS,第二种模型可能仍会有所改进,但它证实了化合物1中通过H键形成的弱铁磁性Fe-Fe相互作用,代表一种通过H键进行铁磁耦合的罕见例子之一。


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