首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Quantum Chemistry >Evaluation of optical activities by modern semi-empirical methods

Evaluation of optical activities by modern semi-empirical methods


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Modern semi-empirical molecular orbital methods are applied herein to the direct calculation of the optical rotatory strengths of model molecules. In addition to MNDO, AM1, and PM3 methods, RM1, PM6, and PM7 wavefunctions are used for evaluation of the dipole transition moments. The octant rule for carbonyl compounds is well-adhered to using the RM1, PM6, and PM7 methods and is reasonably consistent with the charge-transfer perturbations with regard to the substituents. By using the up-to-date methods RM1 and PM7, circular dichroism (CD) spectra of a typical helicene are also well-reproduced using complete active space configuration interactions. The CD spectral profiles are significantly improved relative to those obtained using conventional CNDO/S or INDO/S levels of theory and are complemented by optical rotatory dispersion spectra. As a platform for analyzing biopolymers, test calculations for polypeptides are also presented. ? 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Modern semi-empirical molecular orbital methods are applied to direct calculation of optical rotatory strengths. The octant rule for asymmetric ketones is reasonably related to the charge-transfer perturbations of the substituents. The up-to-date methods well reproduce circular dichroism/optical rotatory dispersion spectra of a typical helicene with configuration interactions. The applicability to biopolymers is also evaluated using fundamental polypeptides as targets. The results indicate that these methods may serve as practical predictors of chiroptical properties.
机译:本文将现代的半经验分子轨道方法应用于模型分子旋光强度的直接计算。除了MNDO,AM1和PM3方法外,RM1,PM6和PM7波函数还用于评估偶极跃迁矩。使用RM1,PM6和PM7方法很好地遵循了羰基化合物的八分法则,并且与取代基的电荷转移扰动相当一致。通过使用最新的方法RM1和PM7,典型的螺旋烯的圆二色性(CD)光谱也可以通过完整的活动空间配置相互作用很好地重现。相对于使用常规CNDO / S或INDO / S理论水平获得的CD谱图,CD谱图得到了显着改善,并由旋光色散谱进行了补充。作为分析生物聚合物的平台,还介绍了多肽的测试计算。 ? 2013 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.将现代半经验分子轨道方法用于直接计算旋光强度。不对称酮的辛酸规则与取代基的电荷转移扰动有关。最新的方法很好地再现了具有构型相互作用的典型螺旋烯的圆二色性/旋光色散光谱。还使用基本多肽作为靶标评估了对生物聚合物的适用性。结果表明这些方法可以作为按摩疗法性质的实际预测指标。



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