首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Quantum Chemistry >A DFT study on molecular junction devices with cyclic disulfide anchors: Effect of anchor oxidation on electron transport

A DFT study on molecular junction devices with cyclic disulfide anchors: Effect of anchor oxidation on electron transport


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A molecular-scale electronic device can be built with programmable molecular switches sandwiched between two electrodes. A cyclic disulfide, 1,2-dithiolane, is a promising anchor group for attaching molecules to gold electrodes in such molecular junction devices, since its dithiol-Au linkage (with the disulfide bond broken) can provide added stabilities and reduced current fluctuations. However, operations of the molecular switches under redox conditions might lead to redox processes involving the AuAS bonds at the contact. Formation of the disulfide linkage can be induced, and the dithiolate group (AuS) can be converted into disulfoxide (AuSO) or disulfone (AuSO _2) groups. Coexistence of these various oxidation states at the contact or the conversion between them can be a potential source of current fluctuation in the junction. However, our nonequilibrium Green's function calculations combined with the density functional theory show that the molecular junctions with different oxidation states of the 1,2-dithiolane alligator clips to two gold electrodes exhibit essentially the same insulating current-voltage characteristics at moderate bias voltages. Therefore, the robustness of the molecular junctions would not be affected by the state change of the disulfide alligator clips at the contact.
机译:可以使用夹在两个电极之间的可编程分子开关来构建分子规模的电子设备。环状二硫键1,2-二硫杂环戊烷是一种有前途的锚定基团,可用于将分子连接至此类分子连接装置中的金电极,因为其二硫醇-Au键(二硫键断裂)可提供更高的稳定性并减少电流波动。但是,在氧化还原条件下操作分子开关可能会导致涉及接触处AuAS键的氧化还原过程。可以诱导二硫键的形成,并且二硫醇酯基团(AuS)可以转化为二亚砜基(AuSO)或二砜基(AuSO _2)。这些不同氧化态在接触处的共存或它们之间的转换可能是结中电流波动的潜在来源。然而,我们的非平衡格林函数计算与密度泛函理论相结合表明,在中等偏置电压下,具有不同氧化态的1,2-二硫代鳄鱼夹对两个金电极的分子结表现出基本相同的绝缘电流-电压特性。因此,分子连接的鲁棒性将不受接触处二硫化物鳄鱼夹状态改变的影响。



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