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Extended use of the intrauterine device: A literature review and recommendations for clinical practice


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There are multiple advantages to "extended use" of the intrauterine device (IUD) use beyond the manufacturer-approved time period, including prolongation of contraceptive and non-contraceptive benefits. We performed a literature review of studies that have reported pregnancy outcomes associated with extended use of IUDs, including copper IUDs and the levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG-IUS). Among parous women who are at least 25 years old at the time of IUD insertion, there is good evidence to support extended use of the following devices: the TCu380A and the TCu220 for 12 years, the Multiload Cu-375 for 10 years, the frameless GyneFix? (330 mm2) for 9 years, the levonorgestrel intrauterine system 52 mg (Mirena?) for 7 years and the Multiload Cu-250 for 4 years. Women who are at least 35 years old at the time of insertion of a TCu380A IUD can continue use until menopause with a negligible risk of pregnancy. We found no data to support use of the LNG-IUS 13.5 mg (Skyla?) beyond 3 years. When counseling about extended IUD use, clinicians should consider patient characteristics and preferences, as well as country- and community-specific factors. Future research is necessary to determine the risk of pregnancy associated with extended use of the copper IUD and the LNG-IUS among nulliparous women and women less than 25 years old at the time of IUD insertion. More data are needed on the potential effect of overweight and obesity on the long-term efficacy of the LNG-IUS.
机译:超出制造商认可的时间范围,宫内节育器(IUD)使用的“扩展使用”有多个优点,包括延长避孕和非避孕的好处。我们对报道已与延长使用宫内节育器(包括铜宫内节育器和左炔诺孕酮子宫内系统(LNG-IUS))相关的妊娠结局的研究进行了文献综述。在宫内节育器插入时至少25岁的同卵妇女中,有充分的证据支持延长使用以下设备:TCu380A和TCu220为12年,Multiload Cu-375为10年,无框架GyneFix? (330平方毫米)持续9年,左炔诺孕酮子宫内系统52 mg(Mirena?)持续7年,Multiload Cu-250持续4年。插入TCu380A宫内节育器时年满35岁的女性可以继续使用直至绝经,怀孕风险可忽略不计。我们发现没有数据可以支持3年以上LNG-IUS 13.5 mg(Skyla?)的使用。在就延长宫内节育器的使用提出建议时,临床医生应考虑患者的特征和喜好以及国家和社区的具体因素。有必要进行进一步的研究以确定在未生育妇女和插入IUD时年龄小于25岁的妇女中,长期使用铜制IUD和LNG-IUS所致的妊娠风险。需要更多有关超重和肥胖对LNG-IUS长期疗效的潜在影响的数据。



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