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Comparison of two procedures for routine IUD exchange in women with positive Pap smears for actinomyces-like organisms.


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BACKGROUND: In the female genital tract, up to 30% of Papanicolaou (Pap)-stained cervicovaginal smears of intrauterine device (IUD) users are positive for actinomyces-like organisms (ALOs). Many clinicians believe that no therapeutic intervention is necessary if women with ALOs are without symptoms. However, there are no recommendations for the procedure in ALO-positive women with need for a routine IUD exchange. STUDY DESIGN: In this retrospective study, the incidence of ALOs was compared in ALO-positive women with a routine IUD exchange according to two new procedures: Group 1 (n=19), insertion of a new IUD immediately after removal of the index device, and Group 2 (n=19) IUD removal and reinsertion after 3-5 days. A Pap smear was obtained at intervals of 6 weeks and 12, 24 and 36 months after reinsertion. RESULTS: The cytological examination carried out after 6 weeks proved to be negative for ALOs in all cases. After 36 months, smears were more often positive for ALOs in women with immediate IUD exchange (73% vs. 33%; p<.17). CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that in ALO-positive women, IUD reinsertion immediately after removal or after an interval of 3-5 days is safe. The interval reinsertion might be of advantage on a long-term basis.
机译:背景:在女性生殖道中,多达30%的帕潘尼古拉(Pap)宫腔内器械(IUD)使用者宫颈宫颈阴道涂片对放线菌样生物(ALO)呈阳性。许多临床医生认为,如果患有ALO的女性没有症状,则无需治疗干预。但是,对于需要例行宫内节育器更换的ALO阳性妇女,该手术没有任何建议。研究设计:在这项回顾性研究中,根据两种新程序,比较了常规进行宫内节育器置换的ALO阳性妇女的ALO发生率:第1组(n = 19),在移开索引装置后立即插入新的宫内节育器,并在3-5天后取出并重新插入第2组(n = 19)宫内节育器。在重新插入后6周,12、24和36个月的间隔进行子宫颈抹片检查。结果:6周后进行的细胞学检查证明所有病例的ALO均为阴性。 36个月后,立即更换宫内节育器的女性涂片检查ALO阳性率更高(73%比33%; p <.17)。结论:我们的结果表明,在ALO阳性女性中,取出或间隔3-5天后立即重新插入IUD是安全的。从长远来看,间隔重新插入可能是有利的。



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