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Distinct loci of lexical and semantic access deficits in aphasia: Evidence from voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping and diffusion tensor imaging


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Naming pictures and matching words to pictures belonging to the same semantic category negatively affects language production and comprehension. By most accounts, semantic interference arises when accessing lexical representations in naming (e.g., Damian, Vigliocco, & Levelt, 2001) and semantic representations in comprehension (e.g., Forde & Humphreys, 1997). Further, damage to the left inferior frontal gyms (LIFG), a region implicated in cognitive control, results in increasing semantic interference when items repeat across cycles in both language production and comprehension (Jefferies, Baker, Doran, & Lambon Ralph, 2007). This generates the prediction that the LIFG via white matter connections supports resolution of semantic interference arising from different loci (lexical vs semantic) in the temporal lobe. However, it remains unclear whether the cognitive and neural mechanisms that resolve semantic interference are the same across tasks. Thus, we examined which gray matter structures [using whole brain and region of interest (ROI) approaches] and white matter connections (using deterministic tractography) when damaged impact semantic interference and its increase across cycles when repeatedly producing and understanding words in 15 speakers with varying lexical-semantic deficits from left hemisphere stroke. We found that damage to distinct brain regions, the posterior versus anterior temporal lobe, was associated with semantic interference (collapsed across cycles) in naming and comprehension, respectively. Further, those with LIFG damage compared to those without exhibited marginally larger increases in semantic interference across cycles in naming but not comprehension. Lastly, the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, connecting the LIFG with posterior temporal lobe, related to semantic interference in naming, whereas the inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF), connecting posterior with anterior temporal regions related to semantic interference in comprehension. These neuroanatomical-behavioral findings have implications for models of the lexical-semantic language network by demonstrating that semantic interference in language production and comprehension involves different representations which differentially recruit a cognitive control mechanism for interference resolution. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:将图片命名和将单词匹配到属于相同语义类别的图片会对语言的产生和理解产生负面影响。大多数情况下,在命名中使用词汇表述(例如Damian,Vigliocco和Levelt,2001)以及在理解中使用语义表述(例如Forde和Humphreys,1997)时都会产生语义干扰。此外,当项目在语言产生和理解过程中跨周期重复时,对左下额叶体育馆(LIFG)(涉及认知控制的区域)的损害会导致语义干扰增加(Jefferies,Baker,Doran和Lambon Ralph,2007)。这产生了这样的预测:通过白质连接的LIFG支持解决由颞叶中的不同位点(词法对语义)引起的语义干扰。但是,尚不清楚解决语义干扰的认知和神经机制在任务之间是否相同。因此,我们研究了受损时会影响语义干扰的灰质结构(使用全脑和感兴趣区域(ROI)方法)和白质联系(使用确定性描记法)以及在15个说话者中重复产生和理解单词时其跨周期的增加情况左半球卒中后的词汇语义缺陷。我们发现,对不同的大脑区域(后颞叶和前颞叶)的损害分别与命名和理解中的语义干扰(跨周期崩溃)有关。此外,与那些没有LIFG损害的人相比,那些没有表现出LIFG损害的人在命名周期中语义干扰的增加略大,但没有理解力。最后,下部额枕筋膜将LIFG与后颞叶相连,在命名上与语义干扰有关;而下部纵筋膜(ILF),将后颈与前颞区相连,在理解上与语义干扰有关。这些神经解剖学上的发现通过证明语言产生和理解中的语义干扰涉及不同的表示,这些表示不同地募集了认知控制机制来解决干扰,从而对词汇-语义语言网络的模型产生了影响。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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