首页> 外文期刊>Applied optics >Aberration effects on femtosecond pulses generated by nonideal achromatic doublets

Aberration effects on femtosecond pulses generated by nonideal achromatic doublets


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There are three main effects that affect the femtosecond pulse focusing process near the focal plane of a refractive lens: the group velocity dispersion (GVD), the propagation time difference (PTD), and the aberrations of the lens. In this paper we study in detail these effects generated by nonideal achromatic doublets based on a Fourier-optical analysis and Seidel aberration theory considering lens material, wavelength range, lens surface design, and temporally and spatially uniform and Gaussian intensity distributions. We show that the residual chromatic aberration in achromatic lenses, which has been neglected so far, has a considerable effect on the focusing of pulses shorter than 20 fs in the spectral range between the UV and IR, 300 to 1100 nm, and is particularly important in the blue and UV spectral range. We present a general fitted function for an estimation of the pulse stretching parameter, which depends only on the numerical aperture and focal length of the doublet as well as the wavelength of the carrier of the pulse.
机译:影响飞秒脉冲在折射透镜焦平面附近聚焦过程的三个主要影响是:群速度色散(GVD),传播时间差(PTD)和透镜像差。在本文中,我们详细研究了基于傅立叶光学分析和Seidel像差理论的非理想消色差双胶合透镜所产生的这些影响,其中考虑了透镜材料,波长范围,透镜表面设计以及时空分布和高斯强度分布。我们显示,到目前为止,已被忽略的消色差透镜中的残余色差对在300至1100 nm的UV和IR光谱范围内聚焦小于20 fs的脉冲具有相当大的影响,这一点特别重要在蓝色和紫外线光谱范围内。我们提出了一个通用的拟合函数来估算脉冲拉伸参数,该函数仅取决于数值孔径和双合透镜的焦距以及脉冲载波的波长。



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