首页> 外文期刊>Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior >White matter (dis)connections and gray matter (dys)functions in visual neglect: gaining insights into the brain networks of spatial awareness.

White matter (dis)connections and gray matter (dys)functions in visual neglect: gaining insights into the brain networks of spatial awareness.


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Seminal case reports collected during the middle part of the XX century, designated the parietal lobe as the principal area of damage in patients suffering from contralesional spatial neglect (Brain WC. Visual disorientation with special reference to lesions of the right cerebral hemisphere. Brain 1941;64:224-72; Paterson A, Zangwill O. Disorders of visual space perception associated with lesions of the right cerebral hemisphere. Brain 1944;67:331-58; McFie J, Piercy MF, Zangwill O. Visual spatial agnosia associated with lesions of the right hemisphere. Brain 1950;73:167-90). Based on this evidence, textbooks of neurology have traditionally referred to neglect as a "parietal sign". This view found complete accomplishment in the 1986 group study by Vallar and Perani, who confirmed that the inferior parietal lobe was the area most frequently involved in neglect patients with lesions confined to the cerebral cortex and lesions involving subcortical gray matter nuclei. In the same study, it was found that lesions limited to subcortical white matter were rarely associated with neglect. Here, we reconsider recent accumulating evidence, gathered from investigations in animals and human patients, supporting the partially different view that damage involvement of long-range white matter bundles connecting the parietal to the frontal lobe, importantly influence the occurrence and severity of spatial neglect. These findings do not dispute the role of the parietal and frontal cortex in spatial attention and space-related behaviour, but call for a reappraisal of the respective roles of disruption of white matter connections and damage of gray matter cortical modules in the pathophysiology of neglect. Disentangling the connectional and modular anatomical correlates of neglect may be crucial to better understand the pathophysiology of this syndrome, to explain the manifold clinical dissociations often encountered in clinical practice and to increase the impact of behavioural and pharmacological interventions. In this review, we focus on the role of within-hemisphere white-matter disconnection. The role of interhemispheric disconnection, perhaps the oldest connectionist theory of neglect (Geschwind N. Disconnexion syndromes in animals and man - part II. Brain 1965;88:585-644), was extensively treated elsewhere (Bartolomeo P, Thiebaut de Schotten M, Doricchi F. Left unilateral neglect as a disconnection syndrome, Cerebral Cortex 2007;45:3127-48). We first summarise the structure of long-range white matter connections within the cerebral hemispheres and sketch a brief historical review of the original findings suggesting the role of intrahemispheric disconnection to neglect. We then revisit some of the current functional interpretation of the neglect syndrome in the light of disconnectionist approach and review evidences favouring or disfavouring a purely disconnectionist interpretation of the syndrome. Finally, we address the issue of diagnostic criteria to be used in future anatomo-clinical studies aiming at investigating the role of white matter and gray matter dysfunctions in spatial neglect.
机译:在20世纪中叶收集的开创性病例报告将顶叶指定为对侧空间忽视患者的主要损害区域(脑WC。视觉迷失方向,特别涉及右脑半球病变。Brain,1941年; B。 64:224-72; Paterson A,Zangwill O.与右脑半球病变相关的视觉空间知觉障碍。大脑1944; 67:331-58; McFie J,Piercy MF,Zangwill O.与病变相关的视觉空间失认右半球。大脑,1950; 73:167-90)。基于这一证据,神经病学教科书传统上将疏忽称为“顶体征”。这种观点在1986年由Vallar和Perani进行的小组研究中获得了完全的成就,他们证实了下顶叶是最常被忽视的区域,该区域忽略了局限在大脑皮层和皮层下灰质核病变的患者。在同一研究中,发现局限于皮层下白质的病变很少与疏忽有关。在这里,我们重新考虑从对动物和人类患者的调查中收集到的最新证据,支持部分不同的观点,即将顶叶与额叶连接的远程白质束的损害对重要影响空间忽视的发生和严重性。这些发现与顶叶和额叶皮层在空间注意力和空间相关行为中的作用没有争议,但要求重新评估白质连接的破坏和灰质皮质模块的损伤在忽略的病理生理学中的各自作用。解开疏忽的联系和模块解剖联系可能对于更好地了解该综合征的病理生理学,解释临床实践中经常遇到的多种临床分离以及增加行为和药理干预措施的影响至关重要。在这篇综述中,我们着重研究半球内白质断开的作用。半球间断开的作用,也许是最古老的忽视连接论的理论(Geschwind N. Disconnexion综合征在动物和人类中的作用-II。Brain 1965; 88:585-644),在其他地方得到了广泛的论述(Bartolomeo P,Thiebaut de Schotten M, Doricchi F.左单侧忽视为断开综合征,脑皮质2007; 45:3127-48)。我们首先总结了大脑半球内远程白质连接的结构,并对原始发现进行​​了简要的历史回顾,提出了半球内断开对忽略的作用。然后,我们根据脱节主义的方法重新审视当前对疏忽综合征的某些功能性解释,并审查支持或不赞成该综合征的纯粹脱节主义解释的证据。最后,我们解决了在未来的解剖临床研究中使用的诊断标准问题,旨在研究白质和灰质功能障碍在空间忽视中的作用。



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