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A Method Detection Limit for the Analysis of Natural Organic Matter via Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry


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Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance mass spectra (FT-ICR-MS) of natural organic matter are complex and consist of several thousands of peaks. The corresponding mass to charge ratios (m/z) and signal intensities result from analytes and noise. The most commonly applied way of distinguishing between analyte and noise is a fixed signal-to-noise ratio below which a detected peak is considered noise. However, this procedure is problematic and can yield ambiguous results. For example, random noise peaks can occur slightly above the signal-to-noise threshold (false positives), while peaks of low abundance analytes may occasionally fall below the fixed threshold (false negatives). Thus, cumulative results from repeated measurements of the same sample contain more peaks than a single measurement. False positive and false negative signals are difficult to distinguish, which affects the reproducibility between replicates of a sample. To target this issue, we tested the feasibility of a method detection limit (MDL) for the analysis of natural organic matter to identify peaks that can reliably be distinguished from noise by estimating the uncertainty of the noise. We performed 556 replicate analyses of a dissolved organic matter sample from the deep North Pacific on a 15 T FT-ICR-MS; each of these replicate runs consisted of 500 cumulated broadband scans. To unambiguously identify analyte peaks in the mass spectra, the sample was also run at time-consuming high-sensitivity settings. The resulting data set was used to establish and thoroughly test a MDL. The new method is easy to establish with software help, does only require the additional analysis of replicate blanks (low time increase), and can implement all steps of sample preparation. Especially when analysis time does not allow for replicate runs, major merits of the MDL are reliable removal of false positive (noise) peaks and better reproducibility, while the risk of losing analytes with low signal intensities (false negative) is comparatively low. When replicate analyses are feasible, the removal of all singly detected peaks is further recommended, as these have the highest probability of being noise peaks. We suggest that the here proposed detection limit should become routine in FT-ICR-MS data processing.
机译:天然有机物的傅立叶变换离子回旋加速器共振质谱(FT-ICR-MS)复杂,由数千个峰组成。相应的质荷比(m / z)和信号强度来自分析物和噪声。区分分析物和噪声的最常用方法是固定的信噪比,低于该值时,检测到的峰将被视为噪声。但是,此过程存在问题,并且可能会产生不明确的结果。例如,随机噪声峰可能会出现在信噪比阈值之上(假阳性),而低丰度分析物的峰可能偶尔会降至固定阈值以下(假阴性)。因此,重复测量相同样品的累积结果包含比单个测量更多的峰。错误的正信号和错误的负信号很难区分,这会影响样本重复之间的可重复性。为了解决这个问题,我们测试了方法检出限(MDL)用于分析天然有机物的可行性,以通过估计噪声的不确定性来识别可以可靠地与噪声区分开的峰。我们使用15 T FT-ICR-MS对来自北太平洋深部的溶解有机物样品进行了556次重复分析;每个重复运行都包含500次累积宽带扫描。为了明确地识别质谱图中的分析物峰,还需要在费时的高灵敏度设置下运行样品。所得数据集用于建立和全面测试MDL。这种新方法很容易在软件帮助下建立,只需要对空白样进行额外分析(时间增加少),并且可以执行样品制备的所有步骤。尤其是在分析时间不允许重复运行的情况下,MDL的主要优点是可以可靠地去除假阳性(噪声)峰和更好的重现性,而丢失信号强度较低(假阴性)的分析物的风险则相对较低。如果重复分析可行,则进一步建议去除所有单独检测到的峰,因为这些峰最有可能成为噪声峰。我们建议,此处提出的检测极限应成为FT-ICR-MS数据处理中的常规方法。



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