首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Transgenic overexpression of intraislet ghrelin does not affect insulin secretion or glucose metabolism in vivo

Transgenic overexpression of intraislet ghrelin does not affect insulin secretion or glucose metabolism in vivo


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Whereas ghrelin is produced primarily in the stomach, a small amount of it is produced in pancreatic islets. Although exogenous administration of ghrelin suppresses insulin secretion in vitro or in vivo, the role of intraislet ghrelin in the regulation of insulin secretion in vivo remains unclear. To understand the physiological role of intraislet ghrelin in insulin secretion and glucose metabolism, we developed a transgenic (Tg) mouse model, rat insulin II promoter ghrelin-internal ribosomal entry site- ghrelin O-acyl transferase (RIP-GG) Tg mice, in which mouse ghrelin cDNA and ghrelin O-acyltransferase are overexpressed under the control of the rat insulin II promoter. Although pancreatic desacyl ghrelin levels were elevated in RIP-GG Tg mice, pancreatic ghrelin levels were not altered in animals on a standard diet. However, when Tg mice were fed a medium-chain triglycer-ide-rich diet (MCTD), pancreatic ghrelin levels were elevated to -16 times that seen in control animals. It seems likely that the gastric ghrelin cells possess specific machinery to provide the ocianoyl acid necessary for ghrelin acylation but that this machin-ery is absent from pancreatic beta-cells. Despite the overexpression of ghreiin, plasma ghrelin levels in the portal veins of RIP-GG Tg mice were unchanged from control levels. Glucose tolerance, insulin secretion, and islet architecture in RIP-GG Tg mice were not significantly different even when the mice were fed a MCTD. These results indicate that intraislet ghrelin does not play a major roie in the regulation of insulin secretion in vivo.
机译:ghrelin主要在胃中产生,而少量在胰岛中产生。尽管外源性生长素释放肽的施用在体外或体内抑制胰岛素分泌,但是胰岛内生长素释放肽在体内体内胰岛素分泌的调节中的作用仍不清楚。为了了解胰岛内ghrelin在胰岛素分泌和葡萄糖代谢中的生理作用,我们开发了转基因(Tg)小鼠模型,大鼠胰岛素II启动子ghrelin-内部核糖体进入位点-ghrelin O-酰基转移酶(RIP-GG)Tg小鼠,在大鼠胰岛素II启动子的控制下,哪些小鼠生长素释放肽cDNA和生长素释放肽O-酰基转移酶过表达。尽管在RIP-GG Tg小鼠中胰腺脱酰基生长素释放肽水平升高,但是在标准饮食下动物的胰腺生长素释放肽水平没有改变。但是,当给Tg小鼠喂食富含中链甘油三酯的饮食(MCTD)时,胰生长素释放肽水平升高到对照动物的-16倍。胃ghrelin细胞似乎具有特定的机制,可提供ghrelin酰化所必需的辛烷酸,但胰腺β细胞却缺乏这种机械。尽管生长素释放肽过表达,但RIP-GG Tg小鼠门静脉的血浆生长素释放肽水平与对照水平没有变化。 RIP-GG Tg小鼠中的葡萄糖耐量,胰岛素分泌和胰岛结构没有显着差异,即使给它们喂了MCTD也是如此。这些结果表明,胰岛内生长素释放肽在体内胰岛素分泌的调节中不发挥主要作用。



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