首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Intraperitoneal injections of low doses of C75 elicit a behaviorally specific and vagal afferent-independent inhibition of eating in rats

Intraperitoneal injections of low doses of C75 elicit a behaviorally specific and vagal afferent-independent inhibition of eating in rats


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intraperitoneal injections of milligram doses of C75, an inhibitor of fatty acid synthase (FAS) that was originally developed for the treatment of cancer (21), dose-dependently decreased food intake in both mice and rats (10, 13,20, 25, 26, 39). Intracerebroventricular injections of C75 doses -3 log units smaller had similar effects (1, 2, 25), suggesting that C75 can act centrally to inhibit eating.In addition to its effect on FAS, C75 has other peripheral and central metabolic effects that might contribute to its eating inhibitory potency (2, 20, 22, 39, 43). One of these is the stimulation of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 (CPT-1) (2, 29,39). Increased CPT-1 activity stimulates fatty acid oxidation (FAO; 19), and several findings indicate that inhibition of peripheral FAO stimulates eating (11, 24, 36). There are some reports that administration of CPT-1 inhibitors into the central nervous system decreases food intake or body weight (31, 33). Recent findings, however, indicate that selective stimulation of CPT-1 activity in the brain is sufficient to inhibit eating and decrease body weight (2). First, the CPT-1-stimulatory action of C75 appears to contribute to the eating inhibitory effect of intracerebroventricular C75 because intracerebroventricular pretreatment with the CPT-1 inhibitor etomoxir attenuated the eating inhibitory effect of subsequent intracerebroventricular C75 injections (2). Second, intracerebroventricular injection of C89b, a novel compound that stimulates CPT-1 activity without affecting FAS activity, alone was sufficient to inhibit eat-ing (2).
机译:腹膜内注射毫克剂量的C75(一种脂肪酸合成酶(FAS)抑制剂,最初是用于治疗癌症的)(21),剂量依赖性地减少了小鼠和大鼠的食物摄入(10、13、20、25, 26,39)。脑室内注射C75剂量较小的-3 log单位也有类似作用(1、2、25),这表明C75可以起到中枢抑制进食的作用.C75除对FAS有影响外,还具有其他可能影响外周和中枢代谢的作用使其具有抑制进食的功效(2,20,22,39,43)。其中之一是刺激肉碱棕榈酰转移酶-1(CPT-1)(2,29,39)。 CPT-1活性增加会刺激脂肪酸氧化(FAO; 19),一些发现表明,抑制外围的FAO会刺激进食(11、24、36)。有报道称,向中枢神经系统施用CPT-1抑制剂会减少食物摄入或体重(31,33)。然而,最近的发现表明,选择性刺激大脑中CPT-1的活性足以抑制进食并减轻体重(2)。首先,C75的CPT-1刺激作用似乎有助于脑室C75的进食抑制作用,因为用CPT-1抑制剂依托莫西的脑室内预处理可减轻随后的脑室内C75注射的进食抑制作用(2)。其次,脑室内注射C89b是一种刺激CPT-1活性而不影响FAS活性的新型化合物,足以抑制进食(2)。



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