首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Fluorescein-methotrexate transport in dogfish shark (Squalus acanthias) choroid plexus.

Fluorescein-methotrexate transport in dogfish shark (Squalus acanthias) choroid plexus.

机译:dog鱼鲨(Squalus acanthias)脉络丛中的荧光素-甲氨蝶呤转运。

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The vertebrate choroid plexus removes potentially toxic metabolites and xenobiotics from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to blood for subsequent excretion in urine and bile. We used confocal microscopy and quantitative image analysis to characterize the mechanisms driving transport of the large organic anion, fluorescein-methotrexate (FL-MTX), from bath (CSF-side) to blood vessels in intact lateral choroid plexus from dogfish shark, Squalus acanthias, an evolutionarily ancient vertebrate. With 2 microM FL-MTX in the bath, steady-state fluorescence in the subepithelium/vascular space exceeded bath levels by 5- to 10-fold, and fluorescence in the epithelial cells was slightly below bath levels. FL-MTX accumulation in both tissue compartments was reduced by NaCN, Na removal, and ouabain, but not by a 10-fold increase in medium K. Certain organic anions, e.g., probenecid, MTX, and taurocholate, reduced FL-MTX accumulation in both tissue compartments; p-aminohippurate and estrone sulfate reduced subepithelial/vascular accumulation, but not cellular accumulation. At low concentrations, digoxin, leukotriene C4, and MK-571 reduced fluorescence in the subepithelium/vascular space while increasing cellular fluorescence, indicating preferential inhibition of efflux over uptake. In the presence of 10 microM digoxin (reduced efflux, enhanced cellular accumulation), cellular FL-MTX accumulation was specific, concentrative, and Na dependent. Thus transepithelial FL-MTX transport involved the following two carrier-mediated steps: electroneutral, Na-dependent uptake at the apical membrane and electroneutral efflux at the basolateral membrane. Finally, FL-MTX accumulation in both tissue compartments was reduced by phorbol ester and increased by forskolin, indicating antagonistic modulation by protein kinase C and protein kinase A.
机译:脊椎动物脉络丛可从脑脊液(CSF)去除血液中潜在的有毒代谢物和异种生物,随后在尿液和胆汁中排泄。我们使用共聚焦显微镜和定量图像分析来表征驱动大型有机阴离子(荧光素-甲氨蝶呤(FL-MTX))从水浴(CSF侧)到完整的脉络丛神经的运输机理的机理。 ,一种进化上古老的脊椎动物。在浴中使用2 microM FL-MTX时,上皮下/血管腔内的稳态荧光超过浴水平的5到10倍,上皮细胞中的荧光略低于浴水平。 NaCN,Na去除和哇巴因减少了两个组织区室中FL-MTX的积累,但培养基K却没有增加10倍。某些有机阴离子(例如丙磺舒,MTX和牛磺胆酸盐)减少了FL-MTX在组织中的积累。两个组织隔室;对氨基马尿酸盐和硫酸雌酮减少上皮下/血管的积累,但不减少细胞的积累。在低浓度下,地高辛,白三烯C4和MK-571减少了上皮/血管间隙中的荧光,同时增加了细胞荧光,表明优先抑制外排超过摄取。在10 microM地高辛的存在下(外排减少,细胞蓄积增加),细胞FL-MTX蓄积是特异性的,集中的和Na依赖性的。因此,跨上皮FL-MTX转运涉及以下两个载体介导的步骤:在顶膜的电中性,Na依赖性摄取和在基底外侧膜的电中性外排。最终,佛波酯减少了两个组织区室中的FL-MTX积累,福司可林增加了FL-MTX的积累,表明蛋白激酶C和蛋白激酶A具有拮抗作用。



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