首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Low myo-inositol and high glutamine levels in brain are associated with neuropsychological deterioration after induced hyperammonemia.

Low myo-inositol and high glutamine levels in brain are associated with neuropsychological deterioration after induced hyperammonemia.


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The neuropsychological effect of hyperammonemia is variable. This study tests the hypothesis that the effect of ammonia on the neuropsychological function in patients with cirrhosis is determined by the ability of the brain to buffer ammonia-induced increase in glutamine within the astrocyte by losing osmolytes like myo-inositol (mI) and not by the magnitude of the induced hyperammonemia. Fourteen cirrhotic patients with no evidence of overt hepatic encephalopathy were given a 75-g amino acid (aa) solution mimicking the hemoglobin molecule to induce hyperammonemia. Measurement of a battery of neuropsychological function tests including immediate memory, ammonia, aa, and short-echo time proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy were performed before and 4 h after administration of the aa solution. Eight patients showed deterioration in the Immediate Memory Test at 4 h. Demographic factors, severity of liver disease, change in plasma ammonia, and aa profiles after the aa solution were similar in those that showed a deterioration compared with those who did not. In patients who showed deterioration in the memory test, the mI-to-creatine ratio (mI/Cr) was significantly lower at baseline than those that did not deteriorate. In contrast, the glutamate/glutamine-to-Cr ratio was significantly greater in the patients that deteriorated. The observation that deterioration in the memory test scores was greater in those with lower mI/Cr supports the hypothesis that the neuropsychological effects of induced hyperammonemia is determined by the capacity of the brain to handle ammonia-induced increase in glutamine.
机译:高氨血症的神经心理学作用是可变的。这项研究检验了以下假设:氨对肝硬化患者的神经心理功能的影响取决于大脑通过失去诸如肌醇(mI)之类的渗透液来缓冲氨诱导的星形胶质细胞内谷氨酰胺增加的能力,而不是通过诱发的高氨血症的幅度。向14名无明显肝性脑病证据的肝硬化患者给予75 g氨基酸(aa)溶液,该溶液模仿血红蛋白分子诱导高氨血症。在服用aa溶液之前和之后4小时进行了一系列神经心理学功能测试的测量,包括即时记忆,氨气,aa和短回波时间质子磁共振波谱。 8名患者在4小时后的立即记忆测试中表现出恶化。与没有恶化的人相比,人口统计学因素,肝病的严重性,血浆氨的变化以及aa溶液后的aa分布与那些恶化的人相似。在记忆力测试中表现出恶化的患者中,基线时的mI与肌酸之比(mI / Cr)显着低于未恶化的患者。相反,在恶化的患者中,谷氨酸/谷氨酰胺/ Cr比明显更高。 mI / Cr较低者的记忆力测试成绩恶化更大的观察结果支持以下假设:诱导性高氨血症的神经心理学效应取决于大脑处理氨诱导的谷氨酰胺增加的能力。



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