首页> 外文期刊>Biometrics: Journal of the Biometric Society : An International Society Devoted to the Mathematical and Statistical Aspects of Biology >Use of Summary Measures to Adjust for Informative Missingness in Repeated Measures Data with Random Effects

Use of Summary Measures to Adjust for Informative Missingness in Repeated Measures Data with Random Effects


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We discuss how to apply the conditional informative missing model of Wu and Bailey (1989, Biometrics 45, 939-955) to the setting where the probability of missing a visit depends on the random effects of the primary response in a time-dependent fashion. This includes the case where the probability of missing a visit depends on the true value of the primary response. Summary measures for missingness that are weighted sums of the indicators of missed visits are derived for these situations. These summary measures are then incorporated as covariates in a random effects model for the primary response. This approach is illustrated by analyzing data collected from a trial of heroin addicts where missed visits are informative about drug test results. Simulations of realistic experiments indicate that these time-dependent summary measures also work well under a variety of informative censoring models. These summary measures can achieve large reductions in estimation bias and mean squared errors relative to those obtained by using other summary measures.
机译:我们讨论了如何将Wu和Bailey(1989,Biometrics 45,939-955)的条件信息性缺失模型应用于以下情况:错过访问的概率取决于主要响应的随机效应,并依赖于时间。这包括错过访问的可能性取决于主要响应的真实值的情况。对于这些情况,得出了对失踪的简单衡量指标,即对未探访指标的加权总和。然后将这些汇总度量作为协变量并入主要反应的随机效应模型中。通过分析从海洛因成瘾者的试验中收集的数据来说明这种方法,在这种情况下,错过的探访可提供有关药物测试结果的信息。现实实验的模拟表明,这些依赖于时间的汇总度量在各种信息审查模型下也能很好地工作。与使用其他汇总度量相比,这些汇总度量可以大大减少估计偏差和均方误差。



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