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Breeding Grape Rootstocks for Resistance to Phylloxera and Nematodes - It's Not Always Easy


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Grape rootstocks were first developed to address the phylloxera crisis during the late 1800s, and many of these rootstocks continue to be used. However, changes in the climate, water availability, pest pressure, and pest control practices require thedevelopment of new and better-adapted rootstocks. Many of the traits we need to address these issues are from Vitis species that have not been widely used in the past, either because they rooted poorly or had marginal phylloxera resistance.The UC Davis grape rootstock breeding program has been studying phylloxera resistance for many years. Recent studies have examined the development of phylloxera strains capable of aggressive nodosity-based feeding on resistant rootstocks and the occurrence of foliar feeding strains, once rare in California. In order to better understand the origin of these strains, more than 500 leaf gall phylloxera samples were collected from 19 States along a meandering 5,000 km transect across phylloxera's native range. Analysis of SSR data from 22 markers found that phylloxera populations primarily grouped by host.Efforts to utilize Muscadinia rotundifolia''s exceptional pest resistance continue with an emphasis on resistance to nematodes, phylloxera and fanleaf degeneration. Large hybrid populations between various rootstocks and Vitis species x Muscadinia rotundifolia have been created. Many of these have strong resistance and some root moderately well, however no fertile progeny have been found. We are testing the breadth and durability of phylloxera resistance of a few fertile V. vinifera x M. rotundifolia hybrids in hopes of using these to introgress M. rotundifolia's pest and disease resistance into commercial rootstocks. We are also using V. arizonica and a number of related species from the southwestern United States that possess strong resistance to Xiphinema index, Pierce's disease, drought and salinity. These breeding efforts include developing strongly linked markers from SSR-based genetic maps to expedite traditional breeding and the physical mapping of resistance genes. Five rootstocks have been released from the program with resistance to aggressive root-knot nematode strains; X. index; these nematodes in a combined inoculum and at high soil temperature; and resistance to lesion, citrus and, in one case, ring nematode.
机译:葡萄砧木最初是为解决根瘤蚜危机而开发的,在1800年代后期,许多此类砧木继续被使用。然而,气候,水资源,病虫害压力和病虫害防治方法的变化要求开发新的和适应性更好的砧木。我们需要解决的许多特征来自过去尚未广泛使用的Vitis物种,可能是因为它们生根差或根际抗性不强。加州大学戴维斯分校(UC Davis)葡萄砧木育种计划多年来一直在研究抗根癌性。最近的研究已经检查了能够在抗性砧木上以侵略性结节为基础进食的根瘤菌菌株的发展,以及曾经在加利福尼亚州罕见的叶面进食菌株的发生。为了更好地了解这些菌株的起源,沿着曲折的自然范围,在蜿蜒的5,000 km样带上,从19个州收集了500多个叶胆鞭毛样本。对来自22个标记的SSR数据进行分析后发现,根瘤菌种群主要按寄主分类。继续利用圆叶麝香(Muscadinia rotundifolia)优异的害虫抗性,重点是对线虫,根瘤菌和扇叶变性的抗性。在各种砧木和葡萄品种×圆叶麝香之间建立了大型杂交种群。其中许多具有较强的抗性,有些根系适度,但是未发现可育后代。我们正在测试一些可育的V. vinifera x M. rotundifolia杂种的抗阔叶虫的广度和持久性,希望将其用于将Rotundifolia的病虫害和抗病性引入商业砧木中。我们还使用了亚利桑那州立弧菌(V. arizonica)和美国西南部的许多相关物种,这些物种对Xiphinema指数,Pierce病,干旱和盐分具有很强的抵抗力。这些育种工作包括从基于SSR的遗传图谱开发紧密链接的标记,以加速传统育种和抗性基因的物理作图。该程序已释放出五种砧木,它们对侵袭性根结线虫菌株具有抗性。 X.索引;这些线虫在混合的接种物中并在高温的土壤中;以及对病变,柑橘和环线虫的抵抗力。



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