首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >Water demands and water conservation strategies in turfgrass management.

Water demands and water conservation strategies in turfgrass management.


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In arid and semi-arid climates, limited precipitation and uneven annual rain-fall distribution can restrict adequate turfgrass growth and quality unless frequent irrigation is applied. Turfgrasses' water demands and irrigation requirements are measured as evapotranspiration (ET) and can vary greatly, depending on the local macro and micro-climate, turfgrass species and varieties used, quality expectations and resulting maintenance level applied. Nonetheless, lawn irrigation has been identified as a major source of high potable water use during the summer months, as irrigation is frequently applied in excess of ET. Strategies aimed at conserving potable water use for turf irrigation are encouraged and implemented. These strategies include measures such as using non-potable recycled or low quality ground water instead of potable water for irrigation. If alternatives to non-potable water sources are unavailable, drought resistant turfgrasses that are adapted to the local climatic conditions and can sustain adequate quality on minimum irrigation can be used to minimize irrigation requirements. Irrigation water consumption can be further reduced by applying modern irrigation equipment, such as subsurface irrigation or new sprinkler and nozzle technology and/or by scheduling irrigation based on local ET or on soil sensor readings.



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