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A historical timeline of research efforts to implement mechanized pear harvest in California.


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Efforts to implement mechanized harvesting in California pear orchards have historically been motivated by actual short- or anticipated long-term labor shortages and other factors that increase labor costs. The Bracero Program brought in Mexican migrant labor in 1942 and was extended biannually via Public Law (PL) 78 from 1951 through 1964. Tree fruit harvest mechanization research programs that were initiated by the mid-1950s were of two major types: fully mechanized (e.g., knocking, shaking) and labor-assist ("man-positioning") systems designed to increase worker productivity and reduce needs for labor. The advent of bulk bins, fork lifts and brush mowers facilitated engineering design and enabled once-over harvest and machine topping and hedging to create "fruit walls" in tree canopies ideal for platform picking. Pear fruit sensitivity to bruising eventually guided research toward the labor-assist strategy, where research thrust remains today. As the end of PL 78 loomed, University and USDA engineers, horticulturists, post harvest specialists, economists, and extensionists were enlisted to both test existing commercial machines and develop new ones. From 1960 through 1969, grower-, commercial- and university-built machines were developed and tested side by side with the goal to simulate "short reach" picking from the ground with the least investment in equipment. Generally, (1) inexperienced workers could successfully harvest from platforms; (2) multi-level, multi-worker platforms were preferred over single-worker towers; (3) productivity of platform workers was 5-50% higher than in less experienced ladder crews, but lower than in very experienced crews; and importantly, (4) continuous hedgerow "fruiting walls" 1.7 2 m wide were found necessary to achieve high platform efficiencies when tree height was mitigated by multiple platform levels. Major efforts were reduced by the mid-1970s as the labor supply stabilized. Trialed platforms were either abandoned or used strictly for pruning or cutting fire blighted shoots and platforms were not permanently adopted commercially in California. Efforts resumed in 2006 as concerns grew about availability of authorized workers, increased enforcement of the employer obligation to verify employee eligibility, dim prospects for revision of immigration policies and labor market competition from non-agricultural sectors.
机译:历史上,在加利福尼亚梨果园实施机械化收割的努力是受实际的短期或预期的长期劳动力短缺以及其他增加人工成本的因素所推动的。 Bracero计划于1942年引入墨西哥移民劳工,并从1951年到1964年通过公法(PL)78进行了每两年一次的扩展。1950年代中期发起的果树收获机械化研究计划分为两种主要类型:完全机械化(例如(敲,摇)和人工劳动(“人工安置”)系统,旨在提高工人的生产率并减少劳动需求。散装垃圾箱,叉车和割草机的出现促进了工程设计,并且可以进行一次收获,机器翻面和套期保值,从而在树冠上形成了“果墙”,非常适合平台采摘。梨果对青紫的敏感性最终将研究引向了劳动辅助策略,而这一策略一直存在到今天。随着PL 78的迫在眉睫,大学和USDA的工程师,园艺家,收割后的专家,经济学家和推广员被邀请测试现有的商用机器并开发新的机器。从1960年到1969年,开发并同时测试了种植者,商业和大学制造的机器,目的是用最少的设备投资模拟从地面“短距离”采摘。通常,(1)没有经验的工人可以从平台成功收获; (2)多层次,多工作人员的平台胜于单工作人员的塔架; (3)平台工人的生产率比经验不足的梯队高出5-50%,但比经验丰富的梯队低。重要的是,(4)当树木的高度被多个平台高度减轻时,需要连续的1.7 2 m宽的篱笆“结果壁”来实现高平台效率。到1970年代中期,随着劳动力供应的稳定,主要工作减少了。试用过的平台已被废弃或被严格用于修剪或切割火烧枯的芽,并且平台并没有在加利福尼亚州永久使用。在2006年,由于对授权工人的可用性的担忧增加,对雇主核实雇员资格的义务的执行越来越多,移民政策修订的前景黯淡以及来自非农业部门的劳动力市场竞争,工作重新开始。



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