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Effects of Controlled-Release Fertilizer on Fruit Yield and Quality of Clementine Citrus Trees


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A field experiment was carried out in a commercial citrus orchard on mature Clementine trees (Citrus reticulata Swingle). The trees received the same fertilization amount but by two different fertilization methods. On one plot of one-half an hectare,the trees were fertilized with a slow-release fertilizer (17N-12P-18K +2Mg) buried 10 cm deep under drip emitters at the beginning of the spring tree flush growth (first week of April). A second application was made at the beginning of the autumn tree flush growth (end of August) with another slow-release fertilizer formulation (13N-5P-27K +2Mg). On the other half a hectare plot, the trees were fertigated with the same quantity of nutrients as the first plot but distributed throughout the growing season. The results showed no differential treatment effect on yield. Fruit weight was higher with the controlled-release fertilizer producing more fruit as Extra Class Size. The fruit quality was similar between the two fertilizer methods.
机译:在成熟柑桔树(Citrus reticulata Swingle)的商业柑桔园中进行了田间试验。树木接受相同的施肥量,但采用两种不同的施肥方法。在春季半潮生长开始时(4月的第一周),在一块半公顷的土地上,用埋在滴灌喷头下10厘米深的缓释肥料(17N-12P-18K + 2Mg)对树木施肥。 )。在秋天的树木潮红生长开始时(8月底)第二次施用另一种缓释肥料配方(13N-5P-27K + 2Mg)。在另一半公顷的土地上,给树木施肥与第一块土地相同的养分,但分布在整个生长季节。结果表明对产量没有差别的处理效果。控释肥料的果实重量更高,产生的果实更多,如特级级。两种肥料方法的果实品质相似。



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