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Sap Flow Measurements in Different Young Fig Trees Cultivars in Tenerife Island.


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The common fig, Ficus carica L., is a fruit deciduous tree widely spread in the temperate, subtropical and tropical zones and it is grown commercially under semiarid climatic conditions all around the Mediterranean basin. In the Canary Islands, increasing interest in figs as a valuable crop, makes necessary some studies on the behaviour of different cultivars under these particular environmental conditions. For this reason, in 2008, a new plantation with different fig cultivars was established in a semiarid zone in the south of Tenerife Island. All the cultivars were irrigated using drip irrigation with a restitution of 100% of crop evapotranspiration (ETc). We measured sap flow using the heat ratio method in four fig cultivars: ‘Nazaret’ (foreign San Pedro type), ′San Antonio` (foreign common type), ′Bicari?a` (local common type) and ′Blanca Escalona` (local common type). Few studies had previously used the heat ratio method to measure sap flow in small saplings. However, heat ratio sap flow sensors captured well the diurnal and seasonal dynamics of transpiration, even providing estimations of nocturnal sap flow during nights with low relative humidity. The preliminary results showed a high variability between replications of the same cultivars, and although some differences in water use across varieties were observed, they were not statistically significant at this stage. Future analysis will require additional continuous meteorological data and leaf area measurements to assess cultivar-specific water use and its response to environmental variables.
机译:普通无花果无花果(Ficus carica L.)是一种落叶乔木,广泛分布于温带,亚热带和热带地区,在地中海盆地周围半干旱气候条件下商业种植。在加那利群岛,无花果作为一种有价值的作物越来越受到关注,因此有必要对这些品种在这些特殊环境条件下的行为进行一些研究。因此,2008年,在特内里费岛南部的半干旱地区建立了具有不同无花果品​​种的新种植园。所有品种均使用滴灌灌溉,恢复了100%的作物蒸散量(ETc)。我们使用热比法在四个无花果品种中测量了汁液流量:'Nazaret'(外国圣佩德罗型),'San Antonio`(外国共同型),'Bicari?a'(当地共同型)和'Blanca Escalona'(本地通用类型)。以前很少有研究使用热比法测量小树苗中的树液流量。但是,热比汁液流量传感器可以很好地捕获蒸腾的昼夜和季节动态,甚至可以提供相对湿度较低的夜间夜间树液流量的估算。初步结果表明,相同品种的复制之间存在很大差异,尽管观察到不同品种之间的用水差异,但在现阶段它们在统计学上并不显着。未来的分析将需要额外的连续气象数据和叶面积测量,以评估特定品种的用水及其对环境变量的响应。



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