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Sprays on New Zealand kiwifruit - use patterns and outcomes.


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The ARGOS project is examining the effect of management practices on sustainability in several agricultural sectors in New Zealand. In kiwifruit, ARGOS has established 12 clusters of participating orchards where each cluster has an Organic Actinidia deliciosa 'Hayward' orchard, a KiwiGreen 'Hayward' orchard and a KiwiGreen 'Hort16A' orchard in close proximity. The 2004-05 spray diaries for all growers were analysed, and small insects and mites present on leaves from each orchard in 11 clusters were surveyed in late summer 2005. Spray use varied both quantitatively and qualitatively with management system. The average total use of all pesticides, including plant management compounds, for Organic, KiwiGreen 'Hayward', and KiwiGreen 'Hort16A' orchards was 5.30, 7.62 and 9.33 applications per orchard, respectively (P=0.001). With insecticides, the number of scale sprays used did not vary with management system, while more leafroller sprays were used in Organics than in either KiwiGreen cohort (P<0.05). Most leaves examined had insects or mites present, with mites being more common. More leaves were infested by insects in Organic orchards than in either KiwiGreen system (67% versus 39% and 47%, P<0.02), but mite infestations overall did not differ among management systems. Psoccids, or booklice, were the most common insect found, while armoured scales (Hemiberlesia rapax and H. lataniae) were the commonest pest. Significantly more scales occurred in Organic orchards (15.2/ 50 leaves) than in either KiwiGreen system (3.5 and 4.2/50 leaves, P=0.001). A range of mites was present, some abundantly. There were fewer predator mites on KiwiGreen 'Hayward' leaves than in either other cohort (P<0.02). Tydeid mites, detrital feeders, were equally abundant on either type of KiwiGreen orchard but were almost entirely absent from Organic orchards (P<0.001). The reverse applied for Czenspinksia mites, another detrital feeder, which were more abundant in Organic orchards than either KiwiGreen system (P=0.001). Production practices clearly influenced the arthropod fauna present. The low incidence of tydeid mites in Organic orchards probably reflects the use of oil for scale control in this system.
机译:ARGOS项目正在研究管理实践对新西兰多个农业部门可持续性的影响。在猕猴桃中,ARGOS建立了12个参与果园的集群,每个集群中有一个紧邻的有机猕猴桃“海沃德”果园,一个猕猴桃“海沃德”果园和一个猕猴桃“ Hort16A”果园。分析了所有种植者的2004-05喷雾日记,并于2005年夏末调查了11个群集中每个果园叶片上的小昆虫和螨虫。喷雾剂量的使用在数量和质量上都与管理体系有关。有机果园,KiwiGreen'Hayward'和KiwiGreen'Hort16A'果园的所有农药(包括植物管理化合物)的平均总使用量分别为每个果园5.30、7.62和9.33(P = 0.001)。使用杀虫剂时,所使用的水垢喷雾剂的数量不会随管理系统的变化而变化,而有机物使用的卷叶喷雾剂要多于任何KiwiGreen队列(P <0.05)。检查的大多数叶子上都有昆虫或螨虫,螨虫更为常见。在有机果园中,昆虫侵染的叶子多于任一种KiwiGreen系统(67%比39%和47%,P <0.02),但是在管理系统之间总体上螨虫侵袭没有差异。枕骨或书虱是最常见的害虫,而装甲鳞片(Hemiberlesia rapax和H. lataniae)是最常见的害虫。有机果园(15.2 / 50片叶子)中发生的鳞屑明显多于任一KiwiGreen系统(3.5和4.2 / 50片叶子,P = 0.001)。螨虫种类繁多,有些螨虫数量很多。猕猴桃“海沃德”叶片上的捕食螨比其他任何一个种群都少(P <0.02)。两种类型的奇异果园中的碎屑螨类蝶粉螨数量均相同,但有机果园中几乎完全没有(P <0.001)。反之适用于另一种碎屑飞虱Czenspinksia螨,其有机果园比任何一种KiwiGreen系统都丰富(P = 0.001)。生产实践显然影响了目前的节肢动物区系。有机果园中的螨虫螨虫发生率很低,这可能反映了该系统中使用油来控制水垢。



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