首页> 外文期刊>Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology >Importance of water for Archaean granitoid petrology: a comparative study of TTG and potassic granitoids from Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa

Importance of water for Archaean granitoid petrology: a comparative study of TTG and potassic granitoids from Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa


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A new model for Archaean granitoid magmatism is presented which reconciles the most important geochemical similarities and differences between tona-lite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) and potassic granitoids. Trace element abundances reveal a strong arc magmatism signature in all studied granitoids from Barberton Mountain Land. Characteristic features include HESE depletion as well as distinct enrichment peaks of fluid-sensitive trace elements such as Pb in N-MORB normalisation, clearly indicating that all studied granitoids are derived from refertilised mantle above subduction zones. We envisage hydrous basaltic (s.l.) melts as parental liquids, which underwent extensive fractional crystallisation. Distinctive residual cumulates evolved depending on initial water content. High-H_2O melts crystallised garnet/amphibole together with pyroxenes and minor plagioclase, but no olivine. This fractionation path ultimately led to TTG-like melts. Less hydrous basaltic melts also crystallised garnet/ amphibole, but the lower compatible element content indicates that olivine was also a liquidus phase. Pronounced negative Eu-anomalies of the granitic melts, correlating with Na, Ca and Al, indicate plagioclase to be of major importance. In the context of our model, the post-Archaean disappearance of TTG and concomitant preponderance of granites (s.l.), therefore, is explained with secular decrease of aqueous fluid transport into subduction zones and/or efficiency of deep fluid release from slabs.
机译:提出了一种古生代花岗岩类岩浆作用的新模型,该模型调和了托纳-轻晶-长晶石-花岗岩-闪长闪长岩(TTG)和钾质花岗岩之间最重要的地球化学相似性和差异。痕量元素的丰度在所有来自Barberton Mountain Land的研究花岗岩中都显示出强烈的弧岩浆作用特征。特征特征包括HESE耗竭以及对流体敏感的痕量元素(如Pb)在N-MORB归一化中的富集峰,这清楚地表明所有研究的类固醇均来自俯冲带以上的热源地幔。我们设想含水玄武质(s.l.)熔体为母液,经历了广泛的分步结晶。根据初始水分含量不同,会累积出明显的残留物。高H_2O熔融结晶的石榴石/闪石以及辉石和次要斜长石,但没有橄榄石。该分馏路径最终导致了类似TTG的熔体。含水量较少的玄武质熔体也会使石榴石/闪石结晶,但相容元素含量较低表明橄榄石也是液相。花岗岩熔体明显的负Eu异常,与Na,Ca和Al有关,表明斜长石是最重要的。因此,在我们模型的背景下,TTG的后Archaean消失和花岗岩(s.l.)的伴随优势是通过将水流体运入俯冲带的长期减少和/或从板中释放深层流体的效率来解释的。



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