首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >The relationship between leaf size and nutrient concentrations of leaf samples in 'Golden Delicious' apples grown in Chihuahua, Mexico.

The relationship between leaf size and nutrient concentrations of leaf samples in 'Golden Delicious' apples grown in Chihuahua, Mexico.


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A study was conducted to obtain the relationship between leaf size and the nutrient concentration of leaf samples in 'Golden Delicious' apple orchards grown in Chihuahua, Mexico. Leaf samples from about 300 mature apple orchards were obtained at different phenological stages from late June through end of August 2003. Leaves were sampled from the middle part of current season shoots located on main branches at middle height of the tree; 30-40 leaves in a 5-ha block were collected to complete each sample and were divided in five categories according to leaf size from 1 to 5 (1=the smallest, 5=the largest); mineral nutrient content was measured in all samples, and correlation coefficient between leaf size and nutrient concentration was determined. Positive correlations between leaf size and concentration of N, K, Ca and Mg were obtained in some of the phenological stages. The correlation with P, Zn, B, Cu, Fe and Mn were nonsignificant. With these results, it can be concluded that a better interpretation of the results can be obtained if leaf size is included in the final results..
机译:进行了一项研究,以获得在墨西哥奇瓦瓦州种植的“黄金美味”苹果园中叶片大小与叶片样品营养成分之间的关​​系。从2003年6月下旬到8月下旬,在不同的物候阶段获得了大约300个成熟苹果园的叶片样品。叶片取自位于树中间高度的主要树枝上的当季芽中间部分。收集一个5公顷的块中的30-40片叶子以完成每个样品,并根据叶子大小从1到5将其分为五类(1 =最小,5 =最大);测量所有样品中的矿物质营养含量,并确定叶片大小与营养浓度之间的相关系数。在某些物候期中,叶片尺寸与N,K,Ca和Mg浓度之间呈正相关。与P,Zn,B,Cu,Fe和Mn的相关性不显着。有了这些结果,可以得出结论,如果最终结果中包括叶子大小,则可以更好地解释结果。



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