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Facets of psychopathy, axis II traits, and Behavioral Dysregulation among jail detainees


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Forensic evaluations of offender populations often consider psychopathy as an integral component of these consultations. Vexing issues remain of whether psychopathic traits should be evaluated consistently irrespective of demographic characteristics (e.g. gender), comorbidity (e.g. other Axis II pathology), or setting (e.g. jail or community). The current study examined gender differences for psychopathy and Axis II traits in a nonreferred jail sample of predominantly nonviolent offenders. Participants with moderate to high levels of psychopathy evidenced substantial comorbidity, especially with Cluster B personality disorders. Facets of psychopathy and Axis II traits varied substantially across both genders. In addition, the research evaluated Lynam's Hyperactivity, Impulsivity, and Attention difficulties (HIA) model of psychopathy. These initial data found little support for the HIA model in this jail sample. In testing competing hypotheses, the HIA model was substantially better at predicting Cluster B traits than psychopathy per se. Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:对罪犯群体的法医评估通常将精神病视为这些咨询的组成部分。令人困扰的问题仍然在于,无论人口统计学特征(例如性别),合并症(例如其他Axis II病理学)还是环境(例如监狱或社区),是否应一致评估精神病性状。当前的研究在未经推荐的主要是非暴力罪犯的监狱样本中检查了精神疾病和Axis II特征的性别差异。患有中度至高度精神病的参与者被证明患有大量合并症,尤其是伴有B型人格障碍的人。男女的精神疾病和Axis II特质方面差异很大。此外,该研究还评估了Lynam的精神病多动,冲动和注意困难(HIA)模型。这些初始数据在该监狱样本中几乎没有支持HIA模型。在检验竞争性假设时,HIA模型在预测聚类B特征方面比精神疾病本身要好得多。版权所有(C)2007 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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