首页> 外文期刊>Continental Shelf Research: A Companion Journal to Deep-Sea Research and Progress in Oceanography >Surface transport in the Northeastern Adriatic Sea from FSLE analysis of HF radar measurements

Surface transport in the Northeastern Adriatic Sea from FSLE analysis of HF radar measurements


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This study focuses on the surface transport in the Northeastern Adriatic Sea and the related hydrodynamic connectivity with the Gulf of Trieste (GoT) under calm or typical wind conditions: Bora (from the NE) and Sirocco (from the SE). The surface transport in the area has been investigated by evaluating the Finite-Size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLE) on the current field measured by the High Frequency (HF) coastal radar network. FSLE allow us to estimate Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCSs),which provide information on the transport patterns associated with the flow and identify regions characterized by different dynamics. This work includes the development and set-up of the FSLE algorithm applied for the first time to the specific Adriatic area considered. The FSLE analysis during calm wind reveals an attractive LCS crossing the GoT entrance, marking the convergence between the Northern Adriatic and the outflowing gulf waters. During Bora episodes this attractive LCS is displaced westward with respect to the calm wind case,indicating that Bora drives an extended coherent outflow from the GoT. On the other hand, Sirocco wind piles up the water along the northern end of the basin. In this area an attractive LCS is found, extending mainly in the SW-NE direction. The sirocco-induced inflow of Adriatic waters in the GoT is mainly driven along its northern (Italian) side, as evidenced by the orientation of the LCS. Under Sirocco condition, as in the Bora case, there is no barrier in front of the gulf. No relevant LCSs are observed in the southern radar coverage area except for Bora cases, when a repulsive LCS develops in front of the Istrian coast separating water masses to the North and the South of it.
机译:这项研究的重点是在平静或典型的风力条件下,东北亚得里亚海的地表运输以及与的里雅斯特湾(GoT)的水动力连通性:波拉(来自东北)和西洛克(来自东南)。通过评估由高频(HF)沿海雷达网络测量的当前场上的有限尺寸Lyapunov指数(FSLE),对该地区的地面运输进行了研究。 FSLE使我们能够估计拉格朗日相干结构(LCS),该结构可提供与流相关的传输模式的信息,并识别具有不同动力学特征的区域。这项工作包括开发和设置首次应用于特定亚得里亚海地区的FSLE算法。平静风中的FSLE分析表明,一个有吸引力的LCS穿过GoT入口,标志着北亚得里亚海和流出的海湾水之间的汇合。在波拉岛事件期间,相对于平静的风况,该引人注目的LCS向西移动,表明波拉岛驱动了来自GoT的扩展相干流出。另一方面,西洛克风将水沿盆地北端堆积。在该区域中,发现了一个有吸引力的LCS,主要在SW-NE方向上延伸。由西洛克(Sirocco)诱导的GoT亚得里亚海水流主要沿其北侧(意大利)流过,这由LCS的方向证明。在Sirocco条件下,例如在Bora案中,海湾前面没有障碍。除波拉外,在伊斯特拉海岸前部形成排斥性LCS并将其北部和南部的水团分开时,在南部雷达覆盖区域未观察到任何相关的LCS。



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