首页> 外文期刊>Chemistry: A European journal >A constrained disorder refinement: Reinvestigation of 'single-crystal X-ray structure of 1,3-dimethylcyclobutadiene' by M. Shatruk and I. V. Alabugin

A constrained disorder refinement: Reinvestigation of 'single-crystal X-ray structure of 1,3-dimethylcyclobutadiene' by M. Shatruk and I. V. Alabugin

机译:约束性疾病的细化:M。Shatruk和I. V. Alabugin对“ 1,3-二甲基环丁二烯的单晶X射线结构”的重新研究

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Shatruk and Alabugin propose an alternative structural model for the observed electron density that we have attributed to the photochemical formation of 1,3-dimethylcyclobutadiene in a protective solid crystalline matrix. The main criticism from Shatruk and Alabugin concerns the modeling of the disorder in the calixarene cavity and in particular the neglect of a residual electron density close to the O1 atom. We published (Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 10021) our opinion concerning this "ignored peak" in the Supporting Information of the paper. The current response to the Correspondence demonstrates that Shatruk and Alabugin have over-modeled our data by assigning a small electron density peak, which is hardly more than the density corresponding to a hydrogen atom, to an under-occupied oxygen site, using inappropriate refinement contraints. A question of refinement: In this response to the Correspondence by Shatruk and Alabugin, in which they propose an alternative structural model for the observed electron density that was attributed by us to the photochemical formation of 1,3-dimethylcyclobutadiene in a protective solid crystalline matrix, it is demonstrated that they have over-modeled our data by assigning a small electron density peak (O1A), which is hardly more than the density corresponding to a hydrogen atom, to an under-occupied oxygen site, using inappropriate refinement constraints.
机译:Shatruk和Alabugin为观察到的电子密度提出了一种替代的结构模型,我们将其归因于保护性固体晶体基质中1,3-二甲基环丁二烯的光化学形成。 Shatruk和Alabugin的主要批评意见涉及杯形芳烃腔中无序的建模,尤其是忽略了接近O1原子的剩余电子密度。我们在论文的《支持信息》中发表了关于此“忽略峰”的观点(Chem。Eur。J. 2011,17,10021)。当前对通讯的响应表明,沙特鲁克和Alabugin通过使用不适当的精制约束,将一个小的电子密度峰分配给了一个不足的氧位,从而过度建模了我们的数据,该峰的密度几乎不超过对应于氢原子的密度。 。细化的问题:在回应Shatruk和Alabugin的对应中,他们针对观察到的电子密度提出了另一种结构模型,这归因于我们在保护性固态晶体基质中光化学形成1,3-二甲基环丁二烯,这表明他们使用不适当的精炼约束条件,通过分配一个较小的电子密度峰(O1A)来过度建模我们的数据,该峰几乎不超过对应于氢原子的密度,而该峰未被占用。



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