首页> 外文期刊>Chemistry: A European journal >An NMR-driven crystallography strategy to overcome the computachtungtrenungability limit of powder structure determination: A layered aluminophosphate case

An NMR-driven crystallography strategy to overcome the computachtungtrenungability limit of powder structure determination: A layered aluminophosphate case


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Financial support from the TGE RMN THC FR3050 for conducting the research is gratefully acknowledged. Use of the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. J.P.A., O.L., and J.T. are grateful for funding provided by Region Nord/Pas de Calais, Europe (FEDER), CNRS, French Minister of Science, USTL, ENSCL, CortecNet, Bruker BIOSPIN, and contract No. ANR-2010- JCJC-0811-01. Prof. G. Frey was the source of inspiration for this study that was approached by Dr. J. Dutour, Dr. C. Mellot-Draznieks, and Dr. N. Guillou. The authors thank Prof. D. H. Brouwer and Dr. P. Roussel for advices.
机译:非常感谢TGE RMN THC FR3050为开展研究提供的资金支持。美国能源部根据合同号DE-AC02-06CH11357支持在阿贡国家实验室使用高级光子源。 J.P.A.,O.L。和J.T.感谢欧洲北部/加来海峡地区(FEDER),CNRS,法国科学大臣,USTL,ENSCL,CortecNet,Bruker BIOSPIN和合同号ANR-2010- JCJC-0811-01所提供的资金。 J. Dutour博士,C。Mellot-Draznieks博士和N. Guillou博士研究了G. Frey教授的灵感。作者感谢D. H. Brouwer教授和P. Roussel博士的建议。



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