首页> 外文期刊>Continental Shelf Research: A Companion Journal to Deep-Sea Research and Progress in Oceanography >Iron, nutrient and phytoplankton biomass relationships in upwelled waters of the California coastal system

Iron, nutrient and phytoplankton biomass relationships in upwelled waters of the California coastal system


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We report measurements of dissolvable and particulate iron, particulate Al, nutrients and phytoplankton biomass in surface waters during the termination of one upwelling event and the initiation of a second event in August 2000. These events occurred in the area of the Ano Nuevo upwelling center off the coast of central California. The first event was observed after similar to 8 days of continuous upwelling favorable winds, while the second event was observed through the onset of upwelling favorable winds to wind reversals similar to 3 days later. Coincident with the upwelling signatures of low temperature and high salinity were significantly elevated concentrations of nitrate and silicate with average concentrations greater than 15 and 20 muM, respectively, during both upwelling events. Dissolvable Fe concentrations (TD-Fe) were significantly higher in the second event, 6.5 versus 1.2 nM Fe found in the first event. Nitrate was reduced by similar to 5 muM day(-1) within this second upwelled plume as compared to a drawdown of - 2 muM day(-1) within the first plume. Silicate was reduced in a ratio of 1.2 mol Si:mol NO3 in the high Fe waters of the second plume as compared to a ratio of 2.2 in the lower Fe waters of the first plume. The observed differences in nutrient utilization are consistent with some degree of iron limitation. The area of increased dissolvable Fe in the second upwelling event was coincident with elevated particulate Fe concentrations, indicating the particulate pool as a possible source of the observed increase in TD-Fe. The elevated particulate Fe in surface waters was a result of resuspended sediments in the bottom boundary layer (BBL) of the shallow shelf being transported to the surface during upwelling. Particulate (and dissolvable) iron concentrations were significantly reduced as upwelling continued. This was most probably due to a decoupling of the BBL from upwelled source waters as the upwelling front moved offshore and/or reduced turbulence in the BBL as upwelling continued. The observed reduction in both particulate and dissolvable Fe, as upwelling continued to deliver niacronutrients to surface waters, may result in varying levels of Fe limitation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. [References: 52]
机译:我们报告了在一次上升流事件终止和第二次事件于2000年8月启动期间对地表水中可溶性和颗粒铁,颗粒铝,养分和浮游植物生物量的测量。这些事件发生在Ano Nuevo上升中心附近地区加利福尼亚中部海岸。在类似于连续8天持续上升的顺风之后观察到第一事件,而通过类似于3天之后的上升逆风的爆发观察到第二事件。与低温和高盐度上升流特征一致的是,在两次上升流过程中,硝酸盐和硅酸盐的浓度均显着升高,平均浓度分别大于15和20μM。第二事件中可溶的铁浓度(TD-Fe)显着更高,第一事件中为6.5 nM,而铁的含量为1.2 nM。在第二个上升流中,硝酸盐减少了约5μMday(-1),而在第一个上升流中,硝酸盐减少了-2μMday(-1)。与第二羽流的高铁水中的硅酸盐的比率为1.2摩尔Si:mol NO3相比,第二羽流的低Fe中硅酸盐的比率为2.2摩尔。观察到的养分利用差异与一定程度的铁限制相一致。在第二次上升流事件中,可溶性铁含量增加的区域与颗粒中铁的浓度升高相吻合,表明颗粒池可能是TD-Fe含量增加的可能来源。地表水中铁含量升高的原因是浅层架底部边界层(BBL)中重新悬浮的沉积物在上升过程中被运输到地表。随着上升的继续,颗粒状(和可溶性)铁的浓度显着降低。这很可能是由于上升流锋移至离岸位置时,BBL与上升流源水之间的脱钩和/或随着上升流的继续,BBL的湍流减少了。观测到的颗粒状和可溶铁的减少(由于上升继续将烟酸营养素输送到地表水中)可能导致不同水平的铁限制。 (C)2003 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。 [参考:52]



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