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Factors associated with illegal motorcycle street racing and help-seeking intention


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The study aimed to identify the factors associated with street racing among the illegal motorcycle racers in Malaysia also known as the Mat Rempit, and their help-seeking intention. A total of 2,022 Mat Rempit were surveyed. The findings support the notion that experience-seeking, prestige-seeking, excitement-seeking, self-satisfaction, underestimate risk, and social influence were factors influencing illegal motorcycle street racing. The overall intention to seek help was extremely low. The majority (77.9%) reported that they would solve the problem themselves and 75.5% thought that illegal street racing is not big deal and would go away in time. Participants with neither (OR 0.41; 95% CI 0.27-0.62) or at least one parent who is strict (OR 0.52; 95% 0.37-0.73) were less likely to have high help-seeking intention than those with both parents who are strict. Study indicates a need for family-centered intervention to curb illegal street racing.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定与马来西亚非法摩托车赛车手(又称为Mat Rempit)中的街头赛车相关的因素,以及他们寻求帮助的意图。总共对2,022个Mat Rempit进行了调查。这些发现支持以下观点:寻求经验,寻求声望,寻求刺激,自我满足,低估风险和社会影响力是影响非法摩托车街头赛车的因素。寻求帮助的总体意图非常低。多数(77.9%)表示他们会自己解决问题,而75.5%的人认为非法的街头赛车没什么大不了的,而且会及时消失。既没有父母(OR 0.41; 95%CI 0.27-0.62),也没有至少一位父母是严格的参与者(OR 0.52; 95%0.37-0.73),与父母都严格的参与者相比,他们的寻求帮助的可能性较小。研究表明,需要采取以家庭为中心的干预措施,以遏制非法街头赛车运动。



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