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Videos of conspecifics elicit interactive looking patterns and facial expressions in monkeys


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A broader understanding of the neural basis of social behavior in primates requires the use of species-specific stimuli that elicit spontaneous, but reproducible and tractable behaviors. In this context of natural behaviors, individual variation can further inform about the factors that influence social interactions. To approximate natural social interactions similar to those documented by field studies, we used unedited video footage to induce in viewer monkeys spontaneous facial expressions and looking patterns in the laboratory setting. Three adult male monkeys (Macaca mulatta), previously behaviorally and genetically (5-HTTLPR) characterized, were monitored while they watched 10 s video segments depicting unfamiliar monkeys (movie monkeys) displaying affiliative, neutral, and aggressive behaviors. The gaze and head orientation of the movie monkeys alternated between "averted" and "directed" at the viewer. The viewers were not reinforced for watching the movies, thus their looking patterns indicated their interest and social engagement with the stimuli. The behavior of the movie monkey accounted for differences in the looking patterns and facial expressions displayed by the viewers. We also found multiple significant differences in the behavior of the viewers that correlated with their interest in these stimuli. These socially relevant dynamic stimuli elicited spontaneous social behaviors, such as eye-contact induced reciprocation of facial expression, gaze aversion, and gaze following, that were previously not observed in response to static images. This approach opens a unique opportunity to understanding the mechanisms that trigger spontaneous social behaviors in humans and nonhuman primates.
机译:对灵长类动物社交行为的神经基础的更广泛理解要求使用特定物种的刺激来引发自发的,可再现的和易处理的行为。在自然行为的背景下,个体差异可以进一步告知影响社会互动的因素。为了近似自然的社会互动,类似于实地研究记录的,我们使用未经编辑的视频素材在实验室环境中诱导观察者猴子自发的面部表情和表情。监视了三只成年雄性猴子(Macaca mulatta),这些动物先前具有行为和遗传特征(5-HTTLPR),同时他们观看了10 s的视频片段,这些片段描绘了陌生猴子(电影猴子)表现出亲和,中立和攻击性的行为。电影猴的视线和头部朝向在观看者处“平均”和“定向”之间交替。观众并没有因为看电影而得到加强,因此他们的观看方式表明了他们对刺激的兴趣和社交参与。电影猴子的行为解释了观看者所显示的观看模式和面部表情的差异。我们还发现观看者的行为有多个重大差异,这些差异与他们对这些刺激的兴趣相关。这些与社会相关的动态刺激引发了自发的社会行为,例如目光接触引起的面部表情的往复运动,凝视厌恶和凝视跟随,这是以前对静态图像的响应所没有观察到的。这种方法为了解触发人类和非人类灵长类动物自发性社会行为的机制提供了独特的机会。



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