首页> 外文期刊>Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications >Stoichiometry of ATP hydrolysis and chlorophyllide formation of dark-operative protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase from Rhodobacter capsulatus

Stoichiometry of ATP hydrolysis and chlorophyllide formation of dark-operative protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase from Rhodobacter capsulatus


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Dark-operative protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) oxidoreductase (DPOR) is a nitrogenase-like enzyme catalyzing a reduction of the C17 = C18 double bond of Pchlide to form chlorophyllide a (Chlide) in bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis. DPOR consists of an ATP-dependent reductase component, L-protein (a BchL dimer), and a catalytic component, NB-protein (a BchN-BchB heterotetramer). The L-protein transfers electrons to the NB-protein to reduce Pchlide, which is coupled with ATP hydrolysis. Here we determined the stoichiometry of ATP hydrolysis and the Chlide formation of DPOR. The minimal ratio of ATP to Chlide (ATP/2e(-)) was 4, which coincides with that of nitrogenase. The ratio increases with increasing molar ratio of L-protein to NB-protein. This profile differs from that of nitrogenase. These results suggest that DPOR has a specific intrinsic property, while retaining the common features shared with nitrogenase. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:在黑暗中进行操作的原叶绿素内酯(Pchlide)氧化还原酶(DPOR)是一种类似于固氮酶的酶,可催化细菌叶绿素生物合成中Pchlide的C17 = C18双键还原形成叶绿素a(Chlide)。 DPOR由ATP依赖性还原酶成分L蛋白(BchL二聚体)和催化成分NB蛋白(BchN-BchB异四聚体)组成。 L蛋白将电子转移至NB蛋白以还原Pchlide,后者与ATP水解结合。在这里,我们确定了ATP水解的化学计量和DPOR的氯化物形成。 ATP与氯离子的最小比率(ATP / 2e(-))为4,与硝化酶的比率相符。该比例随着L蛋白与NB蛋白的摩尔比的增加而增加。该曲线不同于固氮酶。这些结果表明DPOR具有特定的固有特性,同时保留了与固氮酶共有的共同特征。 (C)2016 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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