首页> 外文期刊>Coral reefs: journal of the International Society for Reef Studies >Corrected western Atlantic sea-level ca for a last 11,000 years based on calibrated ~(14)C dates from Acropora palmata framework and intertidal mangrove peat

Corrected western Atlantic sea-level ca for a last 11,000 years based on calibrated ~(14)C dates from Acropora palmata framework and intertidal mangrove peat

机译:根据对虾(Acropora palmata)框架和潮间带红树林泥炭校准的〜(14)C日期,对过去11,000年的西大西洋海平面ca进行了校正

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A corrected western Atlantic Holocene sea-level curve was constructed from 145 calibrated ~(14)C and TIMS U-Th dates from shallow Acropora palmata framework and intertidal Rhizopora mangle peat from the Florida Keys, Belize, and the wider Caribbean. Data include both previously published and newly reported coral and peat dates. With the elevations of corals restricted to positions below sea level and those of peats to intertidal and higher levels, a curve bracketed by corals below and peat above effectively delineates the positions of a rising Holocene sea. From 3-11 ka, the corrected curve shifts progressively to older calibrated ages, reaching an ~1-kyr increase at -21 m MSL (mean sea level). Elevations and calibrated ages of samples from each locality in the wider Caribbean region constitute an important database for future refinement with glacio-hydro-isostatic elevation corrections from 3-D Earth models. In future studies of the history of western Atlantic coral reefs, scientists will be able to relate calibrated radiocarbon dates to this sea-level curve to determine paleo water depths and rates of sea-level rise.
机译:校正后的西部大西洋全新世海平面曲线是由145个经过校准的〜(14)C和TIMS U-Th日期构造而成的,这些日期来自佛罗里达礁,伯利兹和更广阔的加勒比海浅层Acropora palmata框架和潮间带Rhizopora mangle泥炭。数据包括以前发布的和新报告的珊瑚和泥炭日期。由于珊瑚的海拔高度仅限于海平面以下的位置,而泥炭的高度仅限于潮间带和较高的水平,下方和上方的泥炭包围的曲线有效地描绘了全新世海平面的位置。从3-11 ka开始,校正后的曲线逐渐向标定年龄方向移动,在-21 m MSL(平均海平面)处达到〜1-kyr增加。来自更广泛的加勒比海地区每个地方的样品的高程和标定年龄构成了一个重要的数据库,可用于将来通过3-D地球模型进行冰川-水-静压高程校正。在对西部大西洋珊瑚礁历史的进一步研究中,科学家将能够将校准的放射性碳数据与该海平面曲线联系起来,以确定古水深和海平面上升率。



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