首页> 外文期刊>Bioresource Technology: Biomass, Bioenergy, Biowastes, Conversion Technologies, Biotransformations, Production Technologies >Bioaugmentation of activated sludge with Acinetobacter sp. TW enhances nicotine degradation in a synthetic tobacco wastewater treatment system

Bioaugmentation of activated sludge with Acinetobacter sp. TW enhances nicotine degradation in a synthetic tobacco wastewater treatment system

机译:不动杆菌属生物增强活性污泥。 TW增强了合成烟草废水处理系统中尼古丁的降解

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Bioaugmentation (BA) using Acinetobacter sp. TW with high nicotine-degrading efficiency was applied in a bioreactor receiving a load of COD (3200. ±. 50. mg/L) and nicotine (1.0. ±. 0.1. g/L). The results showed that because of the colonization of strain TW, the COD removal was stable at 80-90%, while nicotine removal reached 98% in the BA system. Furthermore, according to PCR-DGGE fingerprinting, compared with the originally activated sludge, more bacteria existed in the BA systems while some bacteria disappeared from the non-BA system. In terms of the quorum sensing, short chain AHLs increased to assist colonization of strain TW, and long chain AHLs were secreted and helped to resist the nicotine toxicity. Compared with the non-BA system, the amounts of ROS, protein carbonyls and 8-OHdG were significant lower in the BA systems, which suggested that strain TW played an important role in eliminating the nicotine toxicity from the bioreactors.
机译:使用不动杆菌属的生物增强(BA)。将具有高尼古丁降解效率的TW应用于接受COD(3200.±。50. mg / L)和尼古丁(1.0。±。0.1。g / L)负载的生物反应器中。结果表明,由于TW菌株的定殖,在BA系统中,COD去除率稳定在80-90%,而尼古丁去除率达到98%。此外,根据PCR-DGGE指纹图谱,与最初活化的污泥相比,BA系统中存在更多细菌,而某些细菌则从非BA系统中消失。就群体感应而言,短链AHL增加以辅助TW菌株的定殖,长链AHL被分泌并有助于抵抗尼古丁毒性。与非BA系统相比,BA系统中ROS,蛋白质羰基和8-OHdG的含量显着降低,这表明TW菌株在消除生物反应器中的尼古丁毒性方面起着重要作用。



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