
Cultivation of aerobic granular sludge for rubber wastewater treatment


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Aerobic granular sludge (AGS) was successfully cultivated at 27±1°C and pH 7.0±1 during the treatment of rubber wastewater using a sequential batch reactor system mode with complete cycle time of 3h. Results showed aerobic granular sludge had an excellent settling ability and exhibited exceptional performance in the organics and nutrients removal from rubber wastewater. Regular, dense and fast settling granule (average diameter, 1.5mm; settling velocity, 33mh~(-1); and sludge volume index, 22.3mLg~(-1)) were developed in a single reactor. In addition, 96.5% COD removal efficiency was observed in the system at the end of the granulation period, while its ammonia and total nitrogen removal efficiencies were up to 94.7% and 89.4%, respectively. The study demonstrated the capabilities of AGS development in a single, high and slender column type-bioreactor for the treatment of rubber wastewater.
机译:使用顺序分批反应器系统模式在橡胶废水处理过程中成功地在27±1°C和pH 7.0±1的条件下成功培养了好氧颗粒污泥(AGS),循环时间为3h。结果表明,好氧颗粒污泥具有出色的沉降能力,并且在去除橡胶废水中的有机物和养分方面表现出卓越的性能。在单个反应器中开发出规则,致密,快速沉降的颗粒(平均直径1.5mm;沉降速度为33mh〜(-1);污泥体积指数为22.3mLg〜(-1))。此外,制粒结束时,系统中的COD去除效率达到96.5%,而氨和总氮的去除效率分别达到94.7%和89.4%。该研究证明了在单一,高且细长的柱型生物反应器中开发AGS的能力,可以处理橡胶废水。



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