首页> 外文期刊>Bioresource Technology: Biomass, Bioenergy, Biowastes, Conversion Technologies, Biotransformations, Production Technologies >Synergism of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Fe~0 for treatment of heavy metal contaminated effluents using small scale laboratory reactor

Synergism of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Fe~0 for treatment of heavy metal contaminated effluents using small scale laboratory reactor


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In this study Pseudomonas aeruginosa a metal tolerant strain was not only applied for heavy metal removal but also to the solublization performance of the precipitated metal ions during effluent treatment. The synergistic effect of the isolate and Fe0 enhanced the metal removal potential to 72.97% and 87.63% for Cr(VI) and cadmium, respectively. The decrease in cadmium ion removal to 43.65% (aeration+stirring reactors), 21.33% (aerated reactors), and 18.95% (without aerated+without stirring) with an increase in incubation period not only indicate the presence of soluble less toxic complexes, but also help in exploration of the balancing potential for valuable metal recovery. A relatively best fit and significant values of the correlation coefficient 0.912, 0.959, and 0.9314 for mixed effluent (Paint Industry effluent+CETP Wazirpur, effluent), CETP, Wazirpur, and control effluents, respectively, indicating first-order formulation and provide a reasonable description of COD kinetic data.
机译:在这项研究中,铜绿假单胞菌的金属耐受菌株不仅用于去除重金属,而且还应用于污水处理过程中沉淀的金属离子的溶解性能。分离物和Fe0的协同作用将Cr(VI)和镉的金属去除潜力分别提高到72.97%和87.63%。随着孵育时间的增加,镉离子去除率分别降低至43.65%(曝气+搅拌反应器),21.33%(曝气+搅拌反应器)和18.95%(没有曝气+没有搅拌),不仅表明存在可溶性低毒的复合物,而且还有助于探索有价值的金属回收的平衡潜力。混合废水(涂料工业废水+ CETP Wazirpur,废水),CETP,Wazirpur和对照废水的相对最佳拟合度和相关系数的显着值分别为0.912、0.959和0.9314,表明一级废水配方并提供合理的配方COD动力学数据的描述。



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