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Pea seed lectin folds and oligomerizes via an intermediate not represented in the structural hierarchy


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Large oligomeric proteins are usually thought to fold and assemble hierarchically: Domains fold and coalesce to form the subunits, and folded subunits can then associate to form the multimeric structure. We have investigated the refolding pathway of the P-sheet protein pea seed lectin using spectroscopic and hydrodynamic techniques. In vivo, it is proteolytically processed post-translationally, so that the single-domain subunits of the initial homodimer themselves become heterodimers of intertwined fragment polypeptide chains. Despite this complex topology, mature pea seed lectin reassembles with considerable efficiency at low total protein concentration (10 mu g/mL) and low temperature (10 degrees C), albeit very Slowly (t(1/2) approximate to 2 days). Contrary to expectations, the primary assembly product is not the intact P-sheet domain, but the larger fragment chains first dimerize to form the native-like subunit interface. The smaller fragment chains then associate with this preformed dimer.
机译:通常认为大型寡聚蛋白可以折叠和组装成层次结构:结构域折叠并聚结形成亚基,然后折叠的亚基可以缔合形成多聚体结构。我们已经使用光谱和流体动力学技术研究了P-sheet蛋白豌豆种子凝集素的重折叠途径。在体内,它在翻译后经过蛋白水解处理,因此初始同源二聚体的单结构域亚基本身成为缠结片段多肽链的异二聚体。尽管拓扑结构复杂,成熟豌豆种子凝集素在总蛋白浓度低(10μg / mL)和低温(10摄氏度)时仍能以相当高的效率重新组装,尽管速度非常慢(t(1/2)大约2天)。与预期相反,主要的组装产物不是完整的P-sheet结构域,而是较大的片段链首先二聚形成天然样亚基界面。然后,较小的片段链与此预形成的二聚体缔合。



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