首页> 外文期刊>Электронная Обработка Материалов >Comparative study of the influence of γ-, UV- and combined irradiation on streptomyces canosus 71 growth and lipids synthesis

Comparative study of the influence of γ-, UV- and combined irradiation on streptomyces canosus 71 growth and lipids synthesis

机译:γ-,UV-和联合照射对Canosus canosus 71生长和脂质合成影响的比较研究

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The morphological mutation of the museum strain Streptomyces canosus 71, its variants obtained under the influence of γ- and UV-rays and new variants selected after the combined irradiation was studied. The lipids quality of Streptomyces canosus 71 and new variants is identical. The quantity of steroids in new variants is increased to 174,7 and 201.0% to control. The unsaturated fatty acid□s, such as C15:1, C16:1, C18:1 predominated in lipids of new variants. Te possibility of application the combined irradiation for Te possibility of application the combined irradiation for obtaining the new Streptomycetes strains, producing the biologically active substances (phospholipids, steroids, unsaturated fatty acids) was shown.
机译:研究了博物馆菌株Canosus canosus 71的形态学突变,在γ和UV射线的作用下获得的变体以及联合照射后选择的新变体。链霉菌71和新变种的脂质质量相同。在新的变体中,类固醇的数量增加到17.47和201.0%。不饱和脂肪酸,例如C15:1,C16:1,C18:1,在新变体的脂质中占主导地位。显示了联合照射的可能性,为获得新的链霉菌菌株,产生生物活性物质(磷脂,类固醇,不饱和脂肪酸)而联合照射的可能性。



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