首页> 外文期刊>Contact lens & anterior eye: the journal of the British Contact Lens Association >Analysis of release kinetics of ocular therapeutics from drug releasing contact lenses: Best methods and practices to advance the field

Analysis of release kinetics of ocular therapeutics from drug releasing contact lenses: Best methods and practices to advance the field


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Several methods have been proposed to achieve an extended and controlled release of ocular therapeutics via contact lenses; however, the experimental conditions used to study the drug release vary greatly and significantly influence the release kinetics. In this paper, we examine variations in the release conditions and their effect on the release of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs (ketotifen fumarate, diclofenac sodium, timolol maleate and dexamethasone) from conventional hydrogel and silicone hydrogel lenses. Drug release was studied under different conditions, varying volume, mixing rates, and temperature. Volume had the biggest effect on the release profile, which ironically is the least consistent variable throughout the literature. When a small volume (2-30. mL) was used with no forced mixing and solvent exchange every 24. h, equilibrium was reached promptly much earlier than solvent exchange, significantly damping the drug release rate and artificially extending the release duration, leading to false conclusions. Using a large volume (200-400. mL) with a 30. rpm mixing rate and no solvent exchange, the release rate and total mass released was significantly increased. In general, the release performed in small volumes with no force mixing exhibited cumulative mass release amounts of 3-12 times less than the cumulative release amounts in large volumes with mixing. Increases in mixing rate and temperature resulted in relatively small increases of 1.4 and 1.2 times, respectively in fractional mass released. These results strongly demonstrate the necessity of proper and thorough analysis of release data to assure that equilibrium is not affecting release kinetics. This is paramount for comparison of various controlled drug release methods of therapeutic contact lenses, validation of the potential of lenses as an efficient and effective means of drug delivery, as well as increasing the likelihood of only the most promising methods reaching in vivo studies.
机译:已经提出了几种方法来实现通过隐形眼镜的眼药的延长和控制释放。然而,用于研究药物释放的实验条件变化很大,并且显着影响释放动力学。在本文中,我们研究了从常规水凝胶和硅酮水凝胶镜片中释放条件的变化及其对亲水和疏水药物(富马酸酮替芬,双氯芬酸钠,马来酸替莫洛尔和地塞米松)释放的影响。在不同条件,不同体积,混合速率和温度下研究了药物释放。体积对释放曲线的影响最大,具有讽刺意味的是,在整个文献中,变量的一致性最低。当使用小体积(2-30。mL)且不进行强制混合和每24 h进行溶剂交换时,比溶剂交换要早得多的时间达到平衡,从而大大抑制了药物释放速率并人为地延长了释放时间,从而导致错误的结论。使用大体积(200-400。mL),混合速率为30 rpm,不进行溶剂交换时,释放速率和释放的总质量显着增加。通常,在没有强制混合的情况下以小体积进行的释放表现出的累积质量释放量比在混合情况下以大体积进行的累积释放量少3-12倍。混合速率和温度的增加导致释放的部分质量分别发生相对较小的1.4倍和1.2倍的增加。这些结果有力地证明了对释放数据进行正确而彻底的分析的必要性,以确保平衡不会影响释放动力学。这对于比较治疗性隐形眼镜的各种受控药物释放方法,验证镜片作为一种有效且有效的药物输送手段的潜力以及增加仅最有前途的方法进入体内研究的可能性至关重要。



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