首页> 外文期刊>Computational Mechanics: Solids, Fluids, Fracture Transport Phenomena and Variational Methods >Local finite element enrichment strategies for 2D contact computations and a corresponding post-processing scheme

Local finite element enrichment strategies for 2D contact computations and a corresponding post-processing scheme


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Recently an enriched contact finite element formulation has been developed that substantially increases the accuracy of contact computations while keeping the additional numerical effort at a minimum reported by Sauer (Int J Numer Meth Eng, 87: 593-616, 2011). Two enrich-ment strategies were proposed, one based on local p-refinement using Lagrange interpolation and one based on Hermite interpolation that produces C ~1-smoothness on the contact surface. Both classes, which were initially considered for the frictionless Signorini problem, are extended here to friction and contact between deformable bodies. For this, a symmetric contact formulation is used that allows the unbiased treatment of both contact partners. This paper also proposes a post-processing scheme for contact quantities like the contact pressure. The scheme, which provides a more accurate representation than the raw data, is based on an averaging procedure that is inspired by mortar formulations. The properties of the enrichment strategies and the corresponding post-processing scheme are illustrated by several numerical examples considering sliding and peeling contact in the presence of large deformations.
机译:最近,已经开发了一种丰富的接触有限元公式,该公式可以大大提高接触计算的准确性,同时将额外的数值努力保持在Sauer报告的最小值(Int J Numer Meth Eng,87:593-616,2011)。提出了两种富集策略,一种基于基于拉格朗日插值的局部p精化策略,另一种基于基于Hermite插值的在接触表面产生C〜1光滑度的策略。最初被认为是无摩擦Signorini问题的这两个类别在这里都扩展到可变形体之间的摩擦和接触。为此,使用对称接触配方,可以对两个接触对象进行无偏对待。本文还针对接触量(如接触压力)提出了一种后处理方案。该方案提供了比原始数据更准确的表示,是基于砂浆配方启发的平均程序。富集策略的性质和相应的后处理方案通过考虑在大变形情况下发生滑动和剥离接触的几个数值示例进行了说明。



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