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Seed productivity of hybrid blue lucerne in the forest steppe zone of Novosibirsk province.


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Seed production was investigated in hybrid blue lucerne [?Medicago varia] cv. Omskaya 8893 in trials in the forest steppe zone of western Siberia, on a leached chernozem soil of pH 5.3 and 3-4% humus content, during the period 1966-99. Seeds were sown in July at rates of 2, 4 or 6 million seeds/ha following treatment with rizotorfin (a peat-based rhizobial preparation derived from lucerne nodules) or a complex of micronutrients or a combination of both. Data were recorded on density of stems/m2, plant height prior to harvesting and seed yield. The economic efficiency of seed production was calculated for each treatment. Highest seed yields were obtained at the lowest sowing rate combined with seed treatment prior to sowing with both rizotorfin and microelements; this gave an average yield of 296 kg/ha, compared to 50 kg/ha for the untreated control at the same sowing rate. Despite the cost of seed treatment, the economic result was a lowering of unit production costs and a large increase in profitability (4 times greater than in the control).
机译:在杂种蓝色卢塞恩[?Medicago varia] cv中研究了种子生产。 1966-99年间,Omskaya 8893在西伯利亚西部森林草原地区的pH值为5.3且腐殖质含量为3-4%的浸出黑钙土上进行了试验。在使用rizotorfin(一种源自卢塞恩结节的基于泥炭的根瘤菌制剂)或微量营养素复合物或两者结合处理后,7月以每公顷2、4或600万种子的速度播种种子。记录有关茎密度/ m2,收获前株高和种子产量的数据。计算每种处理的种子生产的经济效率。在使用rizotorfin和微量元素播种之前,以最低的播种率结合种子处理可获得最高的种子产量;这样平均产量为296千克/公顷,而在相同播种速率下未处理对照的平均产量为50千克/公顷。尽管种子处理成本高昂,但经济效益却是降低了单位生产成本并大大提高了获利能力(比对照高4倍)。



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