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The relationship between dental care and perceived oral health impacts


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Background: Knowledge of the effect of dental care and dental visiting behavior on oral health impacts is important for effective resource allocation. Objective: To determine the association between dental care, including the reason for dental attendance and time since last dental visit, with perceived oral health impacts among Australian adults. Methods: Data were obtained from the Australian National Survey of Adult Oral Health 2004/06. Analysis was limited to 4,170 dentate adults who answered the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) questions. Prevalence of frequent impacts was defined as the percentage of people reporting 'fairly often' or 'very often' to one or more of the OHIP-14 questions. Results: Over half the dentate Australians (63.0%) visited a dentist in the past year. Unadjusted analysis showed a statistically significant association between the prevalence of frequent impacts and receipt of: extractions (prevalence ratio=1.7, 95%CI=1.2-2.2), scale/clean (0.7, 0.5-0.8), and denture care (1.6 1.1-2.4). After adjustment for the usual reason for dental attendance there was no effect of any of the three treatments or the time since last visit on the prevalence of frequent impacts. Conclusion: The usual reason for dental attendance, and not the time since last visit or the type of dental care supplied, accounted for differences in perceived oral health impacts.
机译:背景:了解牙科保健和牙科就诊行为对口腔健康的影响对于有效分配资源非常重要。目的:确定牙科护理与澳大利亚成年人对口腔健康的影响之间的联系,包括出勤的原因和上次就诊时间。方法:数据来自澳大利亚全国成人口腔健康调查(2004/06)。分析仅限于回答了“口腔健康影响资料”(OHIP-14)问题的4,170名牙齿成年人。频繁影响的发生率定义为“经常”或“非常频繁”向一个或多个OHIP-14问题报告的人数百分比。结果:在过去的一年中,超过一半的澳大利亚牙科医生(63.0%)拜访了牙医。未经调整的分析表明,频繁影响的患病率与以下因素在统计学上具有显着相关性:拔牙(患病率= 1.7,95%CI = 1.2-2.2),洗牙/清洁(0.7、0.5-0.8)和义齿护理(1.6 1.1) -2.4)。在根据通常的出牙原因进行调整后,这三种治疗方法中的任何一种或自上次就诊以来的时间都没有影响频繁影响的发生率。结论:导致出牙的常见原因,而不是自上次就诊以来的时间或所提供的口腔护理的类型,均是造成口腔健康影响的差异的原因。



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