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Why has oral health promotion and prevention failed children requiring general anaesthesia for dental extractions?


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Objectives: Many children in the UK still require dental treatment under general anaesthesia (DGA). Why oral health promotion and prevention, in this cohort of children, has failed is poorly understood. By questioning the parents/carers of children undergoing DGA this study aimed to establish: 1 previous exposure to oral health education and promotion activities; 2 beliefs and behaviours about dental caries and prevention; and 3 what parents perceive useful in preventing dental caries. Basic research design: A cross-sectional questionnaire based study. Clinical setting: Dental general anaesthetic centres in Wales, UK. Participants: 207 consecutively attending parents of children aged <10 years requiring a DGA. Results: In total, 150 (76%) parents/carers claimed to have received previous oral health advice and 103 (52%) had received toothbrushing instruction from a dentist. Only 18 (9%) reported the application of topical fluoride. Sixty seven (34%) believed "tooth decay runs in families" and 53 (27%) it was simply bad luck that their child had dental decay. The majority (89%) believed that information leaflets on oral health would be useful and 133 (67%) would find information on a website helpful. Conclusions: This study suggests that there is a significant scope for increasing the exposure of high risk children to fluoride. A sense of fatalism and erroneous beliefs were evident amongst some parents/carers of children needing DGA. These issues need to be addressed in the future design of oral health promotion/prevention activities.
机译:目的:英国的许多儿童仍需要在全身麻醉(DGA)下进行牙科治疗。为什么在这个儿童队列中促进和预防口腔健康失败了,人们对此知之甚少。通过询问接受DGA的孩子的父母/照顾者,本研究旨在确定:1以前曾接受过口腔健康教育和促进活动; 2关于龋齿和预防的信念和行为; 3父母认为对预防龋齿有用。基础研究设计:基于横断面问卷的研究。临床环境:英国威尔士的牙科全身麻醉中心。参加者:207位连续参加的需要DGA的10岁以下儿童的父母。结果:总共有150(76%)位父母/护理者声称曾接受过口腔健康建议,有103位(52%)的父母曾接受过牙医的刷牙指导。只有18个(9%)报告了局部氟化物的应用。 67(34%)认为“家庭中有蛀牙”,而53(27%)则认为孩子患有蛀牙简直是倒霉。大多数(89%)认为有关口腔健康的信息单将是有用的,而133(67%)将认为网站上的信息有帮助。结论:这项研究表明,增加高危儿童氟化物暴露的范围很大。在一些需要DGA的孩子的父母/照顾者中,明显有一种宿命论和一种错误的信念。这些问题需要在未来的口腔健康促进/预防活动设计中加以解决。



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