首页> 外文期刊>Физиология и биохимия культурных растений: Науч.- теорет. журн. >Content of the malonyl dyaldehyde and activity of the antioxidation enzymes in pea sprouts under the effect of cadmium ions

Content of the malonyl dyaldehyde and activity of the antioxidation enzymes in pea sprouts under the effect of cadmium ions


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The effect of different concentrations of cadmium ions (10~-7 -- 10~-4 M) on the content of malonyl dyaldehyde and activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase has been investigated for pea sprouts at the initial stages of their development. It has been found that activity of catalase in shoots and roots of pea sprouts, increased after two days-long exposition with cadmium ions in all range of concentration investigated. If metal ions were in the roots only. An activation of peroxide oxidation of lipids by cadmium ions has been found. An increase of malonyl dyaldehyde content in the sprouts and decrease of anti-oxidation enzymes activity activity after long exposition (8 days) with cadmium ions in concentration of 10~-6 M and above, confirm this supposition.
机译:研究了豌豆芽发育初期不同浓度的镉离子(10〜-7-10〜-4 M)对丙二酰二醛含量以及超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性的影响。已经发现,在所研究的所有浓度范围内,镉离子暴露两天后,豌豆芽的芽和根中的过氧化氢酶活性增加。如果金属离子仅存在于根中。已经发现镉离子激活脂质的过氧化物氧化。镉(浓度为10〜-6 M及以上)长时间暴露(8天)后,芽中丙二酰二醛含量的增加和抗氧化酶活性的降低,证实了这种假设。



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