
GPR imaging strategies for subsurface object detection from coherent radiometry data


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Two different interferometric methodologies are described that allow for extracting Green's functions between two or many receivers from noise recordings. One is the cross correlation method and the other is the deconvolution method. The cross correlation method works well with noise sources on a boundary for non-dissipative media. There is an exception, when all sources enclose a non-dissipative medium and the dissipative part of the medium occurs only on one side of all the sources. Then the Green's function can be extracted when at least on of the receivers is enclosed by all sources, while the other is free to be located in the dissipative part of the medium. The second extracts a Green's function in the form of a reflection response for many receivers simultaneously and requires multi component and multi offset data that is recorded in a plane located on one side of all sources. The advantage of this second method is that is robust for dissipation anywhere in the medium and that the medium on the source side of the receivers is homogenized.



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