首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 宇宙·航行エレクトロニクス. Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics >Spaceborne precipitation SAR (PSAR): characteristics of PSAR-measured rain-cell shift and its application to Doppler velocity estimation

Spaceborne precipitation SAR (PSAR): characteristics of PSAR-measured rain-cell shift and its application to Doppler velocity estimation


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Basic system design of Precipitation SAR (PSAR) based on the specification of the Ku-band radar onboard the GPM "core" satellite, increasing the antenna aperture to 5 m, shows that about 4-fold improvement in along-track resolution can be achieved in comparison with the real-aperture-based radar. Apparent rain-cell shift and the beam smearing caused by the spread of raindrop terminal velocity spectrum, inherent problems in PSAR, are quantitatively studied using disdrometer data. A disdrometer-bascd simulation is also performed to study characteristics of rain-cell shift estimated from along-track profiles of PSAR-measured rain echo and path-integrated attenuation, assuming a simple rain cell model. Possibilities of estimating some rain properties such as mean Doppler velocity is suggested. Finally various issues in the system development and usefulness of the PSAR are discussed.
机译:基于GPM“核心”卫星上Ku波段雷达的规范,降水SAR(PSAR)的基本系统设计将天线孔径增加到5 m,表明可以将沿航迹分辨率提高约4倍与基于真实孔径的雷达相比。利用测速仪数据定量研究了雨滴终端速度谱的扩展引起的表观雨单元移位和波束拖尾,这是PSAR的固有问题。在简单的雨单元模型的基础上,还进行了基于转速计的模拟研究,以研究根据PSAR测得的雨回波沿径迹和路径积分衰减估计的雨单元位移特征。建议估计一些降雨特性,例如平均多普勒速度。最后讨论了PSAR系统开发和实用性方面的各种问题。



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