
Proximate point searching


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In the 2D point searching problem, the goal is to preprocess n points P = {p_1, …, p_n} in the plane so that, for an online sequence of query points q_1, …, q_m, it can quickly be determined which (if any) of the elements of P are equal to each query point q_i. This problem can be solved in O(logn) time by mapping the problem to one dimension. We present a data structure that is optimized for answering queries quickly when they are geometrically close to the previous successful query. Specifically, our data structure executes queries in time O(log d(q_(i-1), q_i)), where d is some distance function between two points, and uses O(nlogn) space. Our structure works with a variety of distance functions. In contrast, it is proved that, for some of the most intuitive distance functions d, it is impossible to obtain an O(log d(q_(i-1), q_i)) runtime, or any bound that is o(log n).
机译:在2D点搜索问题中,目标是对平面中的n个点P = {p_1,…,p_n}进行预处理,以便对于在线查询点q_1,...,q_m序列,可以快速确定哪个(如果P的任何元素都等于每个查询点q_i。通过将问题映射到一个维度,可以在O(logn)时间内解决此问题。我们提供了一种数据结构,该结构经过优化,可在几何上接近上一个成功查询时快速回答查询。具体来说,我们的数据结构在时间O(log d(q_(i-1),q_i))中执行查询,其中d是两点之间的某个距离函数,并使用O(nlogn)空间。我们的结构可与多种距离功能配合使用。相反,事实证明,对于某些最直观的距离函数d,不可能获得O(log d(q_(i-1),q_i))运行时或任何等于o(log n )。



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