
General bounds for electrode mislocation on the EEG inverse problem.


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We analyze the effect of electrode mislocation on the electroencephalography (EEG) inverse problem using the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) for single dipolar source parameters. We adopt a realistic head shape model, and solve the forward problem using the Boundary Element Method; the use of the CRB allows us to obtain general results which do not depend on the algorithm used for solving the inverse problem. We consider two possible causes for the electrode mislocation, errors in the measurement of the electrode positions and an imperfect registration between the electrodes and the scalp surfaces. For 120 electrodes placed in the scalp according to the 10-20 standard, and errors on the electrode location with a standard deviation of 5mm, the lower bound on the standard deviation in the source depth estimation is approximately 1mm in the worst case. Therefore, we conclude that errors in the electrode location may be tolerated since their effect on the EEG inverse problem are negligible from a practical point of view.
机译:我们使用单个双极源参数的Cramer-Rao约束(CRB)分析电极错位对脑电图(EEG)反问题的影响。我们采用逼真的头部形状模型,并使用边界元法解决前向问题; CRB的使用使我们可以获得不依赖于用于解决反问题的算法的一般结果。我们考虑了电极错位的两种可能原因,电极位置测量的误差以及电极与头皮表面之间的定位不正确。对于根据10-20标准放置在头皮中的120个电极,并且电极位置的标准偏差为5mm,在最坏的情况下,源深度估计中标准偏差的下限约为1mm。因此,我们得出结论,电极位置的错误是可以容忍的,因为从实际的角度来看,它们对EEG反问题的影响可以忽略不计。


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