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Source of funding in experimental studies of mobile phone use on health: Update of systematic review


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A previous review showed that among 59 studies published in 1995-2005, industry-funded studies were least likely to report effects of controlled exposure to mobile phone radiation on health-related outcomes. We updated literature searches in 2005-2009 and extracted data on funding, conflicts of interest and results. Of 75 additional studies 12% were industry-funded, 44% had public and 19% mixed funding; funding was unclear in 25%. Previous findings were confirmed: industry-sponsored studies were least likely to report results suggesting effects. Interestingly, the proportion of studies indicating effects declined in 1995-2009, regardless of funding source. Source of funding and conflicts of interest are important in this field of research.
机译:先前的回顾显示,在1995年至2005年发表的59项研究中,由行业资助的研究最不可能报告受控暴露于手机辐射对健康相关结果的影响。我们更新了2005-2009年的文献搜索,并提取了有关资金,利益冲突和结果的数据。在另外75项研究中,有12%是由行业资助的,有44%是由公共资助的,有19%是混合资助的; 25%的资金尚不清楚。先前的研究结果得到了证实:行业赞助的研究最不可能报告暗示效果的结果。有趣的是,无论资金来源如何,表明效果的研究比例在1995-2009年都有所下降。资金来源和利益冲突在该研究领域中很重要。



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