首页> 外文期刊>Comptes rendus. Palevol >Inclusions of conifers, echinoids, foraminifers and sponges in flints from the Cenomanian of Charente-Maritime (France): Contribution of synchrotron microtomography

Inclusions of conifers, echinoids, foraminifers and sponges in flints from the Cenomanian of Charente-Maritime (France): Contribution of synchrotron microtomography


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Deposits containing silica-rich nodules were recently collected from the Font-de-Benon quarry, between Archingeay and Les Nouillers, Charente-Maritime, western France. Nodules contain diverse fossil inclusions such as conifers, urchins, foraminifers and sponge spicules. Cenomanian deposits were transformed during the Eocene-Oligocene by a delayed silicification. This occurred under a warm climate and a long pedogenic alteration. X-ray synchrotron tomography was used to locate and produce three-dimensional reconstruction of flint fossil inclusions. The plant fossils constitute an unusual case of late permineralization. The conifer and invertebrate fossil assemblage suggests a coastal palaeoenvironment close to a forest.
机译:最近,从法国西部的夏朗德海事省的阿奇格伊和莱斯努伊勒斯之间的丰德比农采石场收集了含有富含二氧化硅的结核的沉积物。结节含有多种化石包裹体,例如针叶树,海胆,有孔虫和海绵针。在始新世-渐新世期间,通过延迟硅化作用改变了新生代沉积。这是在温暖的气候和长期的成岩作用变化下发生的。 X射线同步加速器层析成像用于定位和产生火石化石包裹体的三维重建。植物化石构成了晚期矿化的不寻常情况。针叶树和无脊椎动物化石的组合暗示了靠近森林的沿海古环境。



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