
Software for semiparametric shared gamma and log-normal frailty models: An overview


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In survival analysis individuals are followed over some period and the time until the transition from an initial to a final state is of particular interest. An important tool for analyzing potential risk factors of this transition is the Cox proportional hazards model. This model requires homogeneity in the study population and independence between the observations. An extension of the Cox model to deal with both, unobserved heterogeneity and clustered survival data, are frailty models [1]. Different software are available for the analysis of shared frailty models such as coxph, coxme, phmm, frailtyPenal, SPGAM or SPLN3. This makes it difficult for the user to find the appropriate tool for the specific problem under investigation. To compare the performance of the aforementioned software a large simulation study was conducted. Advantages and limitations of the software are discussed in detail.
机译:在生存分析中,要跟踪个体一段时间,直到从初始状态过渡到最终状态为止的时间尤为重要。 Cox比例风险模型是分析此过渡的潜在风险因素的重要工具。该模型要求研究人群的均一性和观察值之间的独立性。脆弱模型是对Cox模型的扩展,可同时处理未观察到的异质性和聚集的生存数据。可使用不同的软件来分析共享的脆弱模型,例如coxph,coxme,phmm,frailtyPenal,SPGAM或SPLN3。这使用户很难找到针对所研究特定问题的合适工具。为了比较上述软件的性能,进行了大型仿真研究。详细讨论了该软件的优缺点。


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